Cinnamon Owl

Positive of the internet: finding people with interests similar to yourself.
Negative of the internet: assuring each other that if you constitute 'several' that means you are a silent majority.

Theory: Trump aims to up his approval rating amongst historians by inducing widespread strokes in those who don't agree that before Trump, no one ever thought to ask the question 'why fight the Civil War?'

My parents, for two. And they live in a swing state.

Remember the SEAL killed in Yemen, and his memorial oration was literally how that guy was looking down and happy about the crowd size, it was a great crowd size? It is literally the only metric that resonates with him.

Though I hope the far left is noting that, before next cycle they start fussing about how incrementalism slowly shifts the ship of state and instead they want everything to be totally different right now.

"Turns out, it's a lot more complicated than anyone thought."

I'm not sure Trump has any idea what's in the budget.

The flip side is that unlike the Tea Party, the left at least doesn't have to deal with a Left Tea Party who actually hold office anywhere. (Discounting the occasional Green county sanitation officer as not really shifting policy on a national or even state level.)

One thing I came to dislike about Sanders over the campaign is that his rallies never featured the slew of young Bernie-aligned candidates that his rally-goers should vote for for local office. And they still haven't appeared.

They do correlate strongly across states, though. If one party has high turnout in a nominally deep red or deep blue state, they also have it in the swing states. And vice versa. The story of the special elections has been districts that are normally deep red or blue shifting 20 points toward the D side. Even while

This. The left just needs the die-hard Trumpers to do what they do, the unenthusiastic Trumpers to not turn out, and the meh left to get invested in the idea that Policy Requires Personnel. You can't legislate and legally uphold all these great policy ideas if no one is ever pure enough to run for office.

The counties that moved toward Clinton (comparing '12 to '16) were the most highly educated. The counties that moved toward Trump were the least educated. Education correlates to income, obviously, but when they checked the scattering of high-ed, lower-income counties and low-ed, higher income counties, they broke

Sigh. My immediate objection to Trump (and to Fiorina and Carson) was that they had no experience in government, and it's not just like (performing surgery, running a business, etc) and we should only elect people with some actual useful credentials. This goes for the left, too.

I imagine those who voted for Trump hoping he would appoint someone like Gorsuch, then sit quietly and play golf, are cautiously relieved. The adjective because that's what he's done; the modifier because it seems to have been despite his efforts to carry out many things he promised he was going to do but they figured

That Trump et al lost all interest in locking her up is a good indicator of their sincerity.

I believe there is a quote from Ivanka along the lines of if people want to credit you for a trait you don't have, roll with it.

It continues to be very weird that the people who insist he's lying are his most die hard supporters.

So far Trump barely knows Manafort, Bannon, and Flynn. Who else is about to become a total stranger—Kushner?

As hard as I roll my eyes at the theme "Everything about the presidency turns out to be way harder than I thought" at least he realizes that?

Sierra and Brad are a power couple and she took out their ally.