Cinnamon Owl

If there's one thing military commanders love in a subordinate, it's that attitude.

One must remember that people might tell Probst to shove it all the time, and it just gets edited out.

I wondered if the reward challenge thing was part of Cirie keeping the Cirie-Michaela alliance quiet. I would have liked a confessional from one of them on that. (I mean… one had to guess that in a heavily physical challenge with no puzzle, with Brad and Cirie captains, Brad's team was winning.)

"Brad and I decide who goes home without consulting you… but I definitely will turn on him in a couple votes because I want to take YOU to the end and I'm going to backstab him!!!!!" was not a convincing sales job.

It seemed like Major was not thinking through "Leave the man who is obsessed and will scour the world to find you… then forget everything. I can't see how this could result in you being his human sex slave. Then zombie again."

I could really get on board with this as a story direction. Always faking as the one way to throw off a lot of the heat and allow him some paths closed to Old Blaine. The memory drug then winds up pulling up some more unexpected buried memories.

Last season I thought not faking. (Though I really liked Don E's argument, and was glad the show tackled the logic head-on.)

I'm getting flashes of Dick Casablancas from Veronica Mars. He was perfect, and any attempt to get rid of him as just desserts and bring in a new obnoxious selfish rich party boy was just going to lead to "the poor man's Dick Casablancas." But then you have Veronica permanently enraged that Madison handed her a drink M

If the memory drug works he immediately becomes the world's most unreliable lab rat.

Leaving aside the specific insanity—If you have a decades long good relationship during which you've each provided deep support for the other, it makes sense to try hard to salvage it when you hit a rough patch. A 6 month relationship? JUST BREAK UP.

I've seen several comments at Dan's that it's actually the reverse—a man who wants to cheat on his partner provides drama and urgency and the sense that you're stealing him from someone by the incredible power of your sexiness; a man in an open marriage doesn't offer any of that thrill. One commenter had agreed with

It often seems to arrive via "I think this would be a good idea, because I could screw Specific Coworker and you would hypothetically have the same freedom but not use it" rapidly followed by "Okay, now that Specific Coworker is not an option but you surprisingly have options, I think we need to completely change the

Hmm. Well, I think lots of people are in bubbles where they only hear from those who agree with them, which is a problem in terms of understanding what the country as a whole is doing when election results keep not matching bubble results. (This is evidence of the Vast Conspiracy. I will predict that whoever wins in

Republicans have no idea what he intends to do about anything, and have to be correspondingly sweating that whatever nuanced budget stagecraft they are attempting may go down to Friday's moods and a 3 am Twitter rant.

*clears throat* Trump started his yelling about Obama using his control of MI-6 to personally order Trump's offices bugged when people around Flynn and Sessions started taking back statements about whether they'd talked to Russia, on what topics, in what depth. Like a bunch of people realized that if the FBI had a

Like how he would never play golf, and almost never leave the White House he would be so busy, and he knew more than anyone else about all the nouns, and so on.

It's weird that "I made note of what the candidate/president said" is now considered cheating and unfair.

In fairness, I doubt he knows what Canada's dairy policies or softwood lumber policies actually are. Do you have someone who looks sorta like Jared? Could they infiltrate the White House, wander into the oval office, and be all "Yeah, see, actually softwood lumber is more complicated than anyone thought. So you

There are a number of unintelligible bits. But they are usually in the context of a paragraph that would be nonsensical even if you added more intelligible parts.

I remind you that his acknowledgement of the SEAL killed in the Yemen raid cited how the dead man would look down at the crowds and cheering and be pleased. It really is the only metric he knows. (Elsewhere in the interview he complains that he thought winning the election meant he would stop getting negative press.