Cinnamon Owl

Warren is solid. The one who isn't Warren has the same approval rating but is trouncing her on "who?"

Do you know how many 98 year olds like chocolate cake? There's a reason for classics.

I just find "I feel like people look down on me for being not smart, so I voted for Trump" completely unsympathetic.

Celebrate, no.

The CA House special election, while in a very blue district, was about 20-25 points more of a blowout than normal. Now Kansas had about the same error in a very red district.

From someone who professionally worked on districting, I have read that if you have a neutral board start at the top of the state and work south, you will wind up with quite a different map than if they started at the bottom of the state and worked north.

I believe TCs usually last a couple of hours; we always see a brief edited storyline culled from that.

Ad space on the cable news shows it going to get even more expensive. It's the only way to get your briefing through to him.

"I really hope he applies that standard…"

The filibuster only exists so long as both parties respect it.

For the last year of Obama's presidency, the Republicans in the Senate were explicit that the new reality was that no president could appoint anyone to the Supreme Court (or lower courts) unless his or her party also controlled the Senate. Otherwise, no hearings lest that sensible centrist (like Garland) garner the

I would put it in with his talking to Taiwan back before the inauguration. Which at the time was argued to be:
a) a deliberate, bold, thoughtful reset of foreign policy
b) a spontaneous move because the last person he talked to said it would be a good idea
c) an accident because no one knew about the One China thing

Every Trump supporter insisting that Trump doesn't mean a word he says actually thought he meant about 5% of the words—the ones they liked. The other words were all metaphorical.

I'm not sure there's a believable version of what happened, given that it's Debbie.

Do we know Sandra Diaz Twine's political leanings? We could use her.

This is all part of a master plan. Trump's remaining supporters are sure of it.

Yeah, I think we need to stop hoping that the power in the administration will be someone Democrats, or even Independents, want to have power. "Less likely to get Seoul nuked in a display of personal manliness" is a more reasonable goal.

2016 McCain: We will never vote on Garland, and we will not vote on any of Clinton's nominees either. The new rule is that you don't get any justices through unless you hold the presidency and 50 votes in Congress.

The one upside of the left's preference for policy over personnel is that they don't have a bunch of Alex Joneses actually in office that the party must attempt to placate.

I have read that the Trumpcare stuff is all a masterful plan. Put up something awful, identify all the players, and then he's going to offer a compromise and everyone will get on board because he knows more about nouns than anyone.