Cinnamon Owl

I really liked Ozzy et al agreeing that while Sandra should go next, she was absolutely right about the trio threat and they should focus there next. The woman knows her levers.

The extra vote is arguably more useful to her alliance if she's on the minority side of the vote.

After her performance last week, I would have shrugged at the tribal advantage and voted her out anyhow if we lost. So I think she chose wisely.

She really did look like a new person at tribal. Rested, fed, and handed an advantage seems to have done wonders for her.

Even though there was no logical reason for Tai to use the idols on himself and Sandra and thereby vote out Ozzy with Tai's lone vote, I wanted it to happen. You can always find a few more idols, Tai!

At least Sandra was voted out by people who held her in deep respect. No "she doesn't know how to play Survivor" nonsense. The 'before the merge' discussion was interesting, as Sandra Diaz Twine is not an individual immunity threat the way Ozzy is. Maybe she's just too dangerous when she's got the whole group to work

I appreciated one poly person thinking "This really isn't something my housekeeper needs to understand about me. In fact, she probably would rather know nothing about my sexual pastimes."

With the caveat that your attempt to avoid cheating needs to not interfere with your ability to your job….*

"Where there's smoke there's fire. No one would have accused him of it if he weren't guilty of something."

This is a good place to remind everyone that the wiretapping vaudeville act ("Look at me! Look!") started right after a bunch of people around Sessions and Flynn retracted their earlier claims about whether they had talked to the Russians, about what, in what depth. Like they'd just realized a contact's line was

At CPAC, they were interviewing people who believed that Trump couldn't possibly be spending all that money on travel, dwarfing the Obama spending. They didn't care about your silly facts!

I think socially, women's orgasms tend to equate to men's erections—here is the physical proof that one's partner is sexually desirable. Are women supposedly just thinking 'yay for the universe' when their partner either has an orgasm or gets an erection, with no 'woo hoo this means I am sexually desirable I feel sexy

I think it's that she's trying to logic her way into feeling fine—he did the right things! I should feel okay!—and the feelings do not obligingly vanish in a puff of logic.

Hmm. That might have been useful advice (though Dan is not the person to ask)—when she says "too intense" she means "too rough."

You don't have to forgive bad things done to you to move on.

See, if you want a very low risk of pregnancy—desirable both overall and if you don't want an abortion—then LPLA2MBC is the obvious way to go. I don't get people who are like "I want PIV sex—but I want to not get pregnant. It's UNFAIR that I can't just wish this into being. Biology is picking on me!"

I think this is a sincere problem of modern times—that the loudest voices of every position are the angry trolls trying to get a reaction. So we dismiss the ones who hold our positions as 'obviously fringe cases who don't speak for the majority' and point to the ones who hold the opposite positions as 'the loudest and

Yeah, I don't see any point in waiting around for "Wingnuts realize they were wrong all along."

If only Trump were forced to communicate exclusively using Disqus.

I thought the most come-on-let's-be-sane anti-Trump arguments pre-election were the two separate editorials from people who had worked in the missile silos. (And they were conservative.) That you HAVE to be able to trust that a call that comes in telling you to launch is sincere. It is not their job to second guess