Cinnamon Owl

"Trump must be seen as the biggest bully in the room. All his actions make sense when viewed through this lens."

An interesting little filip when Trump was attacking the FC—two of them went on TV, were given the opportunity to rail at him, and opted for grave diplomatic niceties. Very 'yes, junior if having a tantrum, but we shan't be drawn into publicly chastising him.' As a display of power, it was pretty good.

Yeah, I think it would actually be a good idea to offer specific bills (like Sanders is about to do with Medicare expansion) as information for your wonky voters and a pointed contrast to the Republicans' "we would like vote for stuff that was so nifty if we were in charge" vagaries.

2006. And 2008.

I am honestly still flabbergasted that he kept to the list of Heritage-approved judges. I was sure that was dust after he extracted the votes he needed—that even if he didn't care about the Court per se, someone would have a nifty idea and he'd rumble off in a new direction.

Who would write the good bill?

"I need your help, my allies have betrayed me and I can't count on anybody"

What I like about it is that rather than a bunch of people who just coincidentally all have rare handy apocalyptic survival skills (master mechanic, doctor, expert at wild plants) they are much more average. Much more what a genuine random sample of the population might look like.

It's not politics; it's the internet. The loudest voices of every point of view, including best Ninja Turtle and coolest headwear choice, are internet trolls.

"Bad fight scenes" are a forgivable sin in a legal drama a la The Good Wife, or an episode of Seinfeld. It's not a minor problem in a kung fu show about the greatest kung fu-er in the world.

A SyFy show filmed in Canada, about a succubus in a fae-infested alternate Toronto. In some ways, really fun and nuts. In others—the explanation for letting the heroine grow up alone, for example—inexplicably poorly done. (Tropes exist for a reason—throw in a prophecy, an attempt to escape it, the only person who

Contrast Legion and what seems to have happened (we haven't seen in from her viewpoint, just the aftermath) when Syd accidentally got transferred into David's body and couldn't control his power. A child handed a bazooka.

But the thing with budget and film is modify your story. It's why Lost Girl was so painful when they tried to claim a battle was worldwide, and it consisted of a handful of regular characters facing a handful of random mooks in a tunnel. It's something Continuum did incredibly well, by using simple computer overlays

Romeo and Juliet had incredibly poor short- and long-range planning skills.

So many of our literary models are "If I pull this unlikely thing off, then…" followed by that unlikely success, without examining what happens when you fail.

Man, Danny would be constantly altering the timeline. "Ooops, I wiped out NY in a tidal wave in that one, killing my parents again. Back into the speed force…"

I thank you for this link, though surprisingly my husband doesn't consider the chance to investigate government cheese ice cream enough for a family vacation. Toscanini's used to have white pepper ice cream and I loved it.

Danny dressing up in the outward decorative trappings of Buddhism while ignoring any of its central tenets is like they looked up 'cultural appropriation' and carefully thought about how to best incorporate the concept into the show.

Like Roc Kit, I have absolutely no idea what this means. I really like Diamond Age, Zodiac, and Anathem; the rest of Stephenson's stuff is hit or miss for me. It seems quite unlike the work of Ayn Rand, Danny Rand, or Rand Corporation.