Cinnamon Owl

Lost was wrong to not actually know, in careful detail, what was up with the weird stuff happening, beyond 'wouldn't it be freaky if __?___?" Which led to a slow erosion of faith that there must be well-thought-out, consistent answers behind the weirdness. It wasn't the long-form storytelling, but the showrunners'

I think you're giving Trump too much credit for strategy.

Worth reminding everyone that he had a secret health care plan, too.

Sure, but it was naive to think his foreign policy was going to be anything other than 'let people do whatever because it's boring, unless you feel disrespected and then use the military to try and do something manly.'

Reading the NE headlines in line at the grocery store has been weird this past year.

Quick, get it on cable news! Preferably airing when he's supposed to be paying attention to a security briefing.

Just before Trump started in with his "Obama is spying on me! Using leprechauns! There's no record because he ordered the British leprechauns to do it! LOOK AT ME" antics, a bunch of people around Sessions and Flynn were issuing restatements about their contacts with Russia that sure sounded like "Crap if the FBI was

Some billionaire a few weeks ago tried to talk Trump into single payer as a bold Nixon-goes-to-China move. Were Trump popular, I could see him doing that on the grounds that he doesn't care in the slightest about any actual policy detail on any topic. Where he stands now, any "I've got a plan! EMBRACE ME" is not a

Sure, but that's why we need to stop moping about how to use rational facts to convince them of stuff. They are like their own FC—you need to find a way to work around them, not convince yourself that if you just try harder they will see reason and want to work with you.

His interview about lying this week, wherein he made it clear that he doesn't have any idea the heavily Pinnochio'd things he's said weren't all settled in his favor, was one for the ages.

I'm taking solace in his not understanding how legislation or health care work, and enough other Republicans understanding that you can't stand there holding all the apples, kick the legs out of the exchanges, and expect the blame to go somewhere else.

Yup. They need to be left out of all attempts to pass anything—they will never be happy until the bill is something so extreme that the Reps NOT in the FC cannot run on it, and so refuse to cooperate—and it's easier to elect 215 Democrats than 215 Republicans on top of the 30 in the FC.

I'm taking B.

John Boehner's got to be one of the happiest people in the entire nation right now.

One of my favorite passing clarifications was that Trump's staff told him blaming Democratic House members for not leaping on board was going to sound stupid, but he didn't care.

"There is no way this organization of professional criminals would have moved their operation once they realized someone might be on to them."

The source material has a lot of orientalism that hasn't aged well, which people expected a new version to tackle. Instead, they played it straight. Danny makes shrines and tosses out aphorisms while extravagantly clinging to impermanent things.

And that's on Marvel more than Jones. But it's a terrible flaw in producing a kung-fu show about the world's greatest kung-fu master.

One of my favorite books is Anathem, in which the plot doesn't start really moving until around page 350, and then after another 150 pages it quite takes off. But there were other things keeping me invested in the story. (Which regularly veers off into mathematical proofs and abstract discussions of philosophical

According to Daredevil, this is the Hand's go-to move.