Cinnamon Owl

Delving into this would be a lot more intriguing than "The Hand: We're Mysteriously Mysterious. No, we don't know why."

I keep thinking they should be anagrams, like with Blindspot. Has anyone tried anagramming them?

Good summary of IF: "It left me puzzled, and not necessarily in the way the show wanted me to be."

Everybody else fakes their deaths and starts over! You can too!

One of the funniest parts of Daredevil was how long it took for Matt to figure out that he should consider some sort of body armor.

But not actually doing it themselves for some reason.
I'm with gf—they need to blame their failure to carry out the thing they've been screaming about for 6 years on the Other Politicians. The Senate will similarly be trying to wipe bits of Trumpcare off themselves.

No, it's clear he knows how to keep that phone away from his staff.

As a practical matter, "Only lovers need apply" works if you're reviewing something that aired years ago. But for a brand new show, getting someone who swears on their childhood teddy bear that they will really enjoy the show isn't really feasible. And this is not a show that's hip deep in admiring reviewers, with

I was thinking of a villain on Sherlock. To Brits he was clearly based on a wacky local, but Americans are not versed in the hijinkier exemplars of British industry and so saw Trump.

He's become the embodiment of a pre-existing archetype. Leading to various corrections along the lines, "No, X is not based on Trump, because X was filmed two years ago" or "X is much closer to parodying a specific Brit lord of industry and wackiness who isn't well-known across the pond, but over here we all instantly

Worth noting that the challenge with election polling is that 'all adults' ≠ 'electorate.' Accurately gauging turnout across demographics is the trick for a good model. Whereas when you're polling for job approval, you just need a distribution of respondents that matches the country, not the people who will absolutely

How come the Russians are always working out of night clubs and strip joints, rather than Russian Tea Rooms?

I just finished a book where the last third or so had a glaring, utterly unnecessary plothole. Like, I went back and read the minor character's magically binding promise to check that there was no sneaky phrasing, and kept wondering if the author had forgotten it, or there was a secret clue within this plothole about

I believe a smudged fingerprint was used to relabel an unsigned painting as by da Vinci.

I think it's fair to complain about character motivation and plot holes that are not immediately resolved in the next few scenes, so the "off" feeling is a brief note, not hours of head-shaking. If you're not going to do that, then ideally you write so that their apparent motivation reads as "X, subtones Y that

Is Kun Lun overrun with poorly behaved monkeys, despite being up in the snowy mountains and mystical? Because "he chose that line because he's so innocent and knows nothing of the world, except he remembers monkeys and how they're funny and he watched them at the zoo as a kid 20 years ago so he made that analogy"

People yelled at GoT writers for having Ramsay rape Sansa which was incredibly hard on… this guy who had to listen to it, and felt really bad.

There's a bit of dialogue late in Bujold's Ethan of Athos that's something like:
Elli: *something awful*
Ethan: (shivers) I can imagine.
Elli: (thoughtful) Yes, you can. You regularly make that effort of imagination to put yourself in someone else's place.

Why were they under heavy time constraints? Two years pass, then "Iron Fist starts filming next month… you know, should we cast someone? Or is it too soon?"

There's probably a good, limited-run version of that Wayne Industries show to be made about the coffee shop in one of these superhero infested cities, and how you cope day-to-day. I'd have unbreakable dishes, for one thing.