Cinnamon Owl

Monk #2: He'll blend, you said. He's an idiot but he has blond hair and that's all it takes to pass unnoticed in America, you said.

So we're not cats with unusual typing skills, but the secretary of state might be?

It's been made quite explicit that FAKE NEWS is all news he doesn't like. A hard question when he wants an easy one. The Obama jobs numbers were all fake, his are real, that they were reached by the exact same method doesn't matter. The leaks are fake but the leakers are real.

He was supposed to meet with veterans groups Friday night. But then, he didn't.

Maybe… his people convinced him that he was NOT to knock 5'5" Merkel over in a manly show of brute force with his usual dominance-through-handshake performance (which got a lot of play after Trudeau) and this is the result?

Can you go through the airport without shoes, though? It seems like airports are no shirt, no shoes, no service kind of places.

Season 2, episode 1:
"I'm the real Danny Rand!"
"No, I am."
"No, I am."
"No, I am."

I had never heard of Guardians of the Galaxy in any context until I saw it had 97% on Rotten Tomatoes and wondered how any movie does that without hiring the children of every film critic in America; it was a model of telling the story without any "well if you had read 67 issues of the comic before going to the

Actually, I could see the psych wards of Hell's Kitchen being now full to the gills with people who claim to have magical powers and come from other dimensions, but the powers don't work when anyone is looking.

I keep thinking of Ellen Mae on Justified. Who was, ultimately, the archetype of an innocent. And also dumb. Not a mean bone in her body, and her goal was to not have anyone be mad at her. And not hit her. And she just could not break out of "but this is familiar and so sort of safe please please please don't send me

But shouldn't the show be carrying those things? "You would understand if you had only read several decades worth of comics background" isn't a compelling argument.

Countless stories have made use of the trope "I took the place of the missing heir by meeting the real one and pumping him for information." So it's not like Blond Dude knowing some of Missing Blond Child's early anecdotes should be proof of squat. Maybe the real Danny is being held in mystic place for another 75

They're facing Democrats, and all the Democrats had to do was agree "Okay, we're going to stand over here and let you talk."

Gary Kasparov, December 2016: "The point of modern propaganda isn't only to misinform or to push an agenda. It is to exhaust your critical thinking, to annihilate truth."

That's one thing about the idols at challenges—between losing the immunity challenge and going to tribal, you have zero chance to find one.

I don't think they have a knife. A machete, but I'm dubious about that for a clean kill of something thicker than a stalk of bamboo. (I've used machetes to beat back poison ivy vines. Do a lot of damage, yes; controlled precision throat slitting I'm doubtful.)

I like that this group is too smart for any challenge throwing to "get rid of the threats." (And that production didn't give them the sort of psychopaths who make that a logical tactic.)

Even the snake hauling, which was physically very tough, had a long equalizer puzzle after it.

I think they underestimated the degree to which "the day we tried to catch a goat" would involve walking up to the domesticated goat.