Cinnamon Owl

Which is weird, because it's well established that gorging on American style richness in the midst of your fast is a ticket to gastric distress and missing out on the plotting. It seems like people talk up the product placed feast while strategizing to lose so they can stay at camp and try to flip an alliance.

On the one hand, if they were served roast baby goat as a reward I don't think anyone would blink. I'm in full sympathy with Sandra here.

Even with defense—he wants to buy vehicles. Lots and lots of cool zoomy vehicles. Usually people in the military asking for more spending stress paying a decent wage as the way to retain good people.

I can't believe "No no no he doesn't actually mean any of the things he says" is being treated as a serious argument, much less a legally binding one.

Because by sheer numbers gays are likely to be part of a small interconnected gay community, the rule "anyone I ever dated, even once, or had a crush on, is forever off-limits to every single person in my social circle" doesn't apply.

Favorite comment: Trump fan convinced that the new plan has all these gaping, obvious flaws because he's going to make a DEAL, see? He had the House put out this crappy plan so when he offers fixes to all the obvious crappy problems people will come together behind the bill.

Could someone who is awake at midnight open the post and paste your replied comment into the opening post? So if it vanishes from your post it's still there?

It's astonishing how listening to what the man says is viewed as some sort of cheating.

• Scrying Intern, CIA, June-August 2016

"We're going to have insurance for everybody." 1/15/17

Better Off Ted which is hilarious and perfect and cynical, and about a bunch of research scientists. I would guess absolutely none of this from the name.

"We've never lost a coast."
-Coast Guard officer on Wait Wait

Because it's going to be part of all legislation passed by this congress and president?

Dark truth: only sorta sterile.

"Wilders understands that culture and demographics are our destiny. We can't restore our civilization with somebody else's babies."

I was about to get out of bed when I heard my husband explain to the offspring that the house was so cold because we forgot to reset the time one the thermostat. That killed all motivation.

"The new plan is good. It's going to be inexpensive. It's going to be much better for the people at the bottom, people that don't have any money." 2/18/16

Some time back I thought a travel arc—bitter Sherlock at a tropical Sandals—would be fun. I don't know if we can still resurrect this show, but I would definitely watch your concept.

I feel like that other series ran off into the neat gibbering and waving its hands in the air, and this one is just slowly collapsing in on itself without drama. Two different ends, both sad.

It's gotten extremely meta. Maybe we are all cats with unusually good typing skills.