Cinnamon Owl

Choose wisely, bearing in mind that some of us instinctively believe everyone uses a portrait even if they appear to be a tetris piece.

"You're going to wind up with great healthcare for a fraction of the price. And that's going to take place immediately." 2/19/16

Yeah, I don't think a new more humble Sandra would convince anyone. Everyone there has seen (and studied) her confessionals. So she has changed up her game—by dialing the Sandra everyone expects up three notches. Seeming to be highly predictable is probably a very good, very reassuring strategy, especially compared to

Perhaps we could spell out the necessary steps on cable news? Or in an ad on InfoWars?

While claiming that they can't hold town halls because they armed the populace, and come on they were never serious about that "the answer is a good guy with a gun" stuff.

Not even manmade carbon dioxide, but just carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide—how does this stuff even work, man? I don't think anyone has investigated this, much less laid most of it out in the 19th century as part of the whole foundation of thermodynamics.

I probably have read way too much fiction set in the Victorian era, but I would be giddy at the opportunity to claim to be a Pinkerton.


I'm rewatching the great season 4 of Justified, in which a huge theme is people brought low because they're sold on the legend in their own mind*. Tony reminded me of that—he's the guy who built a spy shack, so everyone expects him to build a spy shack, and he will build a spy ditch. And he'll run around looking for

In fairness, if you told most people "Go away and stop winning millions of dollars" they would ignore you.

It looked like he got it with 30 seconds to go—even more reason for the slower to wisely not bother.

It's a minor note in the creating his own doom trope, but his attempts to build a spy ditch were so obvious that everyone figured he was looking for idols. Which probably meant that he he had found a clue, since why else would you dig a big hole in the sand a few paces from the well? (And there was a secret advantage

And as with the (fair and logical) requirement that ERs have to treat everyone regardless of proof they can pay—it's obviously going to cost a bunch of money, and that bunch of money has to come from somewhere.

And an early loyal soldier in Sarah, who is one of the more mysterious (and defensive) returning players.

I liked that part of their (very sound) reasoning was "he attracts idols; we'd better take him out before he has too many."

Yeah, we went into council with "who has an alliance of 5?" and then the only person to vote with Tony (for Aubry) was Sandra. As part of covering all her bases. How do they not think THAT is an interesting story?

Watching, and amused that before the first commercial break we have:

I sincerely don't understand that plan.
1) Promise that if you are in charge, you will make healthcare cheap and awesome by repealing the ACA.
2) Actually wind up in charge.
3) Hit the ACA with baseball bats (e.g. unfunding it) and wait for it to collapse many years hence, all while trying to blame it on the people out

In fairness, I think they would have been just as opposed to the Heritage-Center-RomneyCare plan if it were Clinton or Biden putting it up. It's just obstructionism as a tactic, and a pure opposition to any idea held by the left, even if that idea is "the sun rises in the east."

I was perplexed by the brief surge of Repeal and Delay, certain to piss off both Trump voters who wanted to stop paying for ACA immediately and those who assumed he was lying through his teeth about taking their health care. Finally figured out that it is the position of people who have good employer-provided