Cinnamon Owl

Russia theme: Many people seem to reason "Oh shit, what does the FBI have on tape? Amend that last statement about how I never talk to them."

If Obama could run the nation via the shadow government AND destroy Trump all while kite-surfing in the Virgin Islands, I'm pretty sure he'd still be openly in charge and serving his third term.

I'm sticking to my gameboard analogy from yesterday: Trump is playing chess like a very tired toddler who knows nothing about chess and needs a nap.

I continue to be bemused by the reactions to the State of the Union—both leftist despair and right-wing delight. Trump read a reasonably coherent speech light on policy specifics, as presidents of both parties have for decades.

It's been clear for a while that his staff know he's more likely to listen to them if they are on TV than if they are standing right in front of him saying the same thing.

Today's NonSequitur ties together the ancient aliens and the disguised liberal voters who undetectably snuck into all the polling places. IT'S ALL CONNECTED.

I think this is where Sasse's concerns really should become the GOP's concerns—you have a president who ignores all his briefings and thinks the conspiracy websites give him the real lowdown on what's happening. That's not a safe person to have in charge.

Your first sentence is perfect. It's where we get "Reality has a liberal bias" and the bizarre notion that if someone believes a conspiracy theory, it's the job of everyone else to PROVE that all the absence of evidence isn't really evidence of how deep the coverup goes.

Saturday morning: And the pivot is done.

"The Russia thing" is now multiple interlocking scandals, so I would hesitate to exonerate him carte blanche.

Hmm. I cringed a little, and I now realize it was because of a really heart-breaking Dan Savage letter from a 17 year old whose best friend escaped a crappy family situation by moving in with LW's family. In an emotional moment they'd had sex, and LW was now thinking "omigod that was a mistake" while the friend had

It's an interesting choice because making a child an "officer" of a development company is so transparently not going to fly in court if anything is challenged. But I'm not sure how the fictional universe intends to view the legalities.

"Your dog says he never saw you that morning."


Google Saint Sebastian images.


I thought they did a great job of keeping Polly right on the line—how much of this is "I'm crazy but today is a pretty stable day" versus "I am a young woman stuffed in this institution of crazy people by crazy parents, which is messing my view of normal, and understandably upset at learning of the tragic death of my

1) demons
2) Grundy
3) Grundy acting on Archie's orders
5) Someone in a wolf mask

And Alice would know the importance of suppressing your crazy so you only kill people in careful, well-planned-out ways that don't point back to you.

I must admit, my first thought on "He dumped me, but then I told him I was having his baby and he proposed squeeeee!" was a few quick condomless rolls with some guy as an attempt to get him back.