Cinnamon Owl

To me, the absolute genericness of Archie's music goes far enough to be funny. Intentionally, I can't quite tell. His talent is perfectly calibrated to a guy with a regular job and life who pulls out an acoustic guitar to sing a few campfire songs when he goes camping.

He found the wolf mask while digging through his teddy bears and (ties? guitar straps? I was confused). I pray that wasn't foreshadowing to a future flashback where Archie was scared by a wolf mask.

It doesn't bode well if you want him to get involved in solving mysteries. But it bodes super well if he is the psychopath murdering his way through Riverdale. Or the killer's next victim. So I have hope.

As much as I loathed Grundy's role, Archie just cries out for a girlfriend who decrees: "Stop talking. I am using you for your abs." All the teenage girls we've met are too evolved for his dumbness.

That's a really interesting way to go with Jughead always being hungry.

Eh, how is construction not a field where you expect your workforce to go way up and down depending on the workload? The part where he was so chill about only paying three more weeks—yet thought he had the cash to hire Hermione—because Things Just Work Out hints that he may have his own demonic side-deals going.

Jughead—>Shaggy, Betty—>Velma, Veronica—>Daphne, Kevin—>Fred, Archie—>Scrappy.

Or he IS Hiram. In disguise.

I liked the moment with her mom in the bathroom at the end. Like, even though her mom is awful a lot of the time, she knew how much a punch in the gut that was and stepped up. (This is something I like in the depiction of bad parents—that they sometimes manage a great moment.)

I liked the point the reviewer made about how you can tell she's really thrown because she has to pause and think of an insult to hurl at Archie.

Melody is becoming this show's Mrs. Hernandez (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend), with all her development resting on the expressions she makes while the people in the room with her explain how crazy they are.

What names other than "Josephine" and "Josefina" have the nickname Josie?

I just keep telling myself that wishing a show had ended two seasons earlier is always sad.

While it could just be a smokescreen to hide the fact that he’s a secret psychopath who murdered Jason Blossom.

The day after the speech was the first time he went 24 hours without uttering anything laughably false. (Per WaPo.) He managed this by only saying things like "Thank you" and "Thank you, we're going to do some good work here" in public.

Doesn't ANY talented executive assume (and demand, but the first few Trump appointees probably didn't realize this) the ability to hire their own staff? In a pure business sense, this is an example of how lousy Trump is as a chief executive.

I recommend The Great British Bakeoff to anyone who's here for the cooking and not the manufactured conflict.

Huh. For me, episode 3 was the point where any pretense of "this is interesting, the different challenges faced by novice and returning chefs" was lost and it was clear we were going to watch a massacre. One that made Poochy's early defeat and Emily's inexplicable survival seem heavily production-influenced.

Trump wants to massively slash his department* and isn't letting him hire underlings. His dedication to the post has got to be wavering.

I dunno. I don't want to bet on which Russia thread eventually turns out to be tied to an inconvenient part of Trump's anatomy, but there sure are a hell of a lot of them.