Cinnamon Owl

The Obama Shadow Government seems to be the new thing, and I'm genuinely curious as to how they intend to make that superficially appear to have a lick of sense.

"At long last, it's the pivot!!!!"

This is so common that Dan has standard advice: Reframe someone's "I can't be with you" to "I don't want to be with you." Removing the alleged external obstruction to your life together is not actually going to get them to date you. (In almost all cases.)

People Being Stupid on the Internet will be with us long after Trump and the junior Trumps are gone.

It's weird, because the State of the Union is always going to be about broad goals and not details. You can give the most soaring one ever, and after a week people are going to wonder why those nice sentences are not translating into action.

He read a prepared speech and didn't go off the rails. He's probably going to manage to do it a few more times, interspersed with more off-the-cuff remarks that illustrate the thin-skinned paranoia.

Every Republican too cowardly to hold town halls needs to be excoriated for that in 2018. Both on general grounds, and on how they obviously don't believe any of that stuff about how the answer to a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.

Reading that book now and really enjoying it.

This has genuinely surprised me—that controlling the three branches you need in order to pass legislation is not resulting in the passage of legislation.

The cringing at strong tastes kicks in at two, just as they get more mobile. Evolutionary advantage is that they were less likely to poison themselves because they would stick to a narrow band of bland foods while out of sight. (Whatever the hunter gatherer version of a fishy cracker is.)

In Montreal we went to a really great cheap poutine place, and the only condiment they provided was white vinegar. If you've already put gravy and cheese on the fries, it's a good idea.

There's a Dennis the Menace cartoon in which they go out to a nice restaurant that doesn't serve rootbeer, and so he orders a glass of ketchup.

Jane fires Carly when she realizes that she’s a gossip talking about both the kids and the parents at Mateo’s school.

I'm bemused by Christie's recent resurgence in the news, explaining things. Is this an example of "show the would-be employer that you can solve a problem they have"? Does he figure they have so few people willing to work for this administration that they will eventually have to give him a job?

I have minimal tech abilities, and even I can figure out carrying a burner phone because it worked on Burn Notice.

Ah, but he didn't mean anything he said!

The one positive there is that so far the judiciary and media are doing an okay job at resisting the wannabe fascist. There is strength in our creaky unused institutions.

I got one!

Ah, Tillerson. Poor guy must have had such hopes for what he could do…

That's better than CPAC, where the amount Trump spent on his vacations was clearly untrue and the alternate fact was that he must be paying for it all himself and the media just wasn't reporting it because they're mean.