Cinnamon Owl

Remember, while the leaks are real and so the leakers must be caught and punished, the leaks and leakers are also completely made up.

*rubs temples*

Wait, didn't Wikileaks come out against leaks? It's so confusing now.

I hadn't realized he was the last full-time one. In that case yeah, everyone needs to look at the evidence of wave elections in 2006 and '08 and the other way after, and go back to what worked. (Full-time chair, focus on local recruitment for every district.)

Howard Dean was chair when Dems took back the House in an off-year election (the time they usually can't be bothered to show up), and then elected Obama. The key was that he did a good job of recruiting at all levels—you can't take advantage of a broad shift toward you if you don't even have candidates.

Political power is about people who vote. If they want to be listened to, make sure there's a Democrat landslide in 2018, and then make damn sure the party knows exactly why they won.

What the Democratic party needs is a plethora of "A is a good choice, and B is too" problems. More like this, please.

If the left wants the party to move leftward, they need to elect people at those low-level boring local offices.

I'm an independent who tilts left (largely on "well the right is a bunch of insane hypocrites right now, so guess I'm voting straight D"), and have to respond to this: "You were involved in a hard fought primary where you felt the deck was stacked against you the entire time."

Happened in 2006. it's not like the counties that went red in the last election did that with 90% of eligible people voting—the Dems' recurring problem is getting people to get up and go vote. For the best option, which is not actually different from the least bad option.

Winning local elections.

I think WaPo's headline was something like "Pence is presidential, Trump is something else."

Yesterday I was reading interviews with CPAC attendees, who are convinced that while Obama spent $11 million on travel last year and that's an outrage, there is no way Trump spent $10 million on travel last MONTH and that's just that fake news and actually he's no doubt paying for it all himself.

My recollection is no interpreter—you're supposed to recognize the food and improvise.

Is playing one sport while also engaging in one artistic thing and holding down a part-time job really so incredibly challenging? We don't seem to have a matching "Betty! How can you be a cheerleader AND on the school paper all at the same time? No high school student pursues multiple extra-curriculars!"

Or murdered. As the new redhead in the magic jersey of demonic sacrifice.

I much prefer when they have everyone (or the last 10 or so) and let them choose. No one wants to watch Katsuji pout through the finale, show.

Gabby Giffords is calling out that coward Gohmert on his refusal to hold town halls because of shootings. And while she's at it, that those most averse to meeting their constituents because "what if an angry constituent had a gun?" are those who have done their damnedest to make it easy for angry constituents to get

I'm opposed to for-profit charters for the obvious reasons.

The latter.