Cinnamon Owl

This stuff deliberately ignores that for many HUNDREDS of years universities have been associated with liberalism. Almost like the former causes the latter, with no deep conspiracy needed.

I mean, 2010 was in living memory—it's when a lot of these guys got elected. And when all those protesters at town halls yelling about the ACA were surely astroturfed by the Koch brothers and in no way represented some sort of grass roots Throw The Bums Out movement.

This may be the ultimate "-The AVClub" post.

1 and 3 both seem to be "How can I get my spouse to guess the thing I want them to suggest?" Admittedly tame.

Darn, just going off memory and I mixed them up. (After thinking "Right, it's not Gary, it's the other one."

I can get people feeling left behind by The Modern Economy. I can't get why they look at Trump and see an answer.

I think Donald simply says the words going across the top of his mind at any given moment. He doesn't have any deeply held convictions on anything except his own greatness.

His intelligence briefings have taught him that nuclear holocaust is bad.

I feel like he's been sorted in with Mattis, who notably has ignored the backbone of Trump's entire foreign policy to spell out what we will do if our allies are attacked.

His assessment is "I had the greatest electoral college victory since Reagan."


In Carla's second season they did the bullshit cocktail+food-for-crowd challenge when it was down to 5 or so, and she did really well making a non-alcoholic one. People enjoyed it far more than the standard-yet-blech ones made by the other chefs, even though Tom didn't seem able to grasp that people who come to an

Or dance!

I think Renoroc was picturing customs tax. But since she won $10,000 in the quickfire, she is okay on the winnings tax.

Why is there product placement in the finale? Do you really want "At least it wasn't Hidden Valley Ranch" to be the takeaway of this episode?

Honestly, it's bullshit in a finale quickfire. Just highlight a local ingredient and get on with it. No one wonders how they'd do if limited to hitting things with rocks.

I thought this week was the two part finale, and was confused when there was no second episode.

As an early low-stakes quickfire, cooking with only things a carpenter might have is really darn funny. In the finale—hell no.

"You know what uranium is, right? It’s this thing called nuclear weapons. And other things. Like lots of things are done with uranium."

He spent much of the press conference running against Clinton, so I imagine it will come up.