Cinnamon Owl


Right after the press conference Jake Tapper said something to the effect of "Look, you WON. Okay? We get it. You do not need to keep trying to convince us, and it's become beyond cringe-worthy. You won, you can stop coming up with arguments about how you did so win."

Fun fact: While Trump and Abe dealt with North Korea right there in the dining room in front of everyone who'd paid the just-doubled membership fees and wanted to film them, while they played golf the press was placed in a windowless basement room.

How many people get bitten by a hyena but then not eaten by the hyena?

The legendary EC victory is something we'll keep coming back to, because it is such an obviously googleable basic fact about recent history. And he strongly implied his understanding of Everything Else is on the level of that historic EC victory.

Why it was only a few short months ago that the stock market reflected a bubble from people who didn't have his financial genius.

I think he really believes (via not wearing his glasses) that the crowds lining the roads to Mar e Lago are uniformly fans. And that the rally will be just like his other campaign rallies, and provide a reset for the presidency, and the media will be forced to report on his TERRIFIC NUMBERS.

It IS an election cycle: Trump declared his candidacy for the 2020 race on the day he took office.

He needs to ramp it up by a factor of five and do it again. That will edge into territory where his base starts to say "Okay, maybe Article 25 time."

I listened to it live, as it came on just as I was getting in the car. Jaw-dropping is the adjective.

Nervous underlings are pushing for a fence. Using the argument that you can't see through walls, ergo a nice looooooooong chainlink fence would be the ticket.

He is the least anti-Semitic person in America, as illustrated by winning the electoral college.

Leaks are real, but the news reporting the leaks is fake.

So I happened to be listening to the radio when Trump came out to give what NPR would go on to dub The Airing of the Grievances, and listened to him directly rather than read about it later. This is surreal.

I've been expecting that since 2009—based on Republicans who were happily sure that was going to happen, shake off the loons and then grow outward from small-c conservative that could be inclusive and respectful of diversity because that's an old time American value.

I'll take "Grundy is an ancient demon who sacrifices redheaded athletes just after the solstice each year."

Viva la progressive revolution!

"Seriously, not literally!… What do you mean that stopped working?"

There was a cogent bit on NPR with a foreign policy person, explaining that Trump doesn't have a foreign policy really, nor people in place to carry out any foreign policy, and so he's pretty much going to just flail.

They at least need to start off being mayor or governor.