Cinnamon Owl

Okay, if we're keeping "no political experience" I'll go with Colbert.

Jesu. I checked, thinking he'd fallen a bit, and he's at 87% among Republicans. 35% I, 11% D.

Neither party should make long-term plans based on who "obviously" will control the House or Senate in 2019.

It also depends on how nervous congressional Republicans get about attempts to distract attention. Foreign military adventures, for example, that are perceived by a majority of the public to be an attempt at distraction carried out using real people who are sworn to obey him no matter how crazy he gets.

I think Ryan et al are desperately hoping for a Trump mental meltdown so public and humiliating that his base are forced to admit he needs to withdraw.

I mean, how hard is it to put some word salad on that sentiment and pretend it's some sort of moral principle? But no, Rand just straight up states that Republicans should not investigate Republicans, casually ignoring both 3rd grade civics about checks and balances and the pretense that the 8th round of Benghazi

I feel like I'm being deprived of a Hollywood thriller in which the CIA and National Park Service team up with Teen Vogue to fight a corrupt president, because it's too mundane and people go to the movies for escapism.

The gate thing: The Eye of the Needle was a well known city gate that was one camel high and wide, and so no camel could pass through until you had completely unloaded it of worldly goods.

That's what we need—Trump can pardon Assange! For crimes in Sweden.

Trump is holding a rally in Florida Saturday. (Sorry if this is covered below; I haven't made it all the way down the thread.)

It doesn't sound like you want kids with this woman—it's not even clear you picture her definitely in your life full-time in a year or two, if you applied to schools in California.

It's true that most people in the population are interested in having procreative sex. Even if they want procreation to not be the outcome, the act is a hard-wired drive excellent at over-riding "but wait, I actually don't want a baby to result from this." This is good for the survival of the species. And even though

Re the first caller, being dumped for cheating seems to be one of the options mysteriously missing from the list. (Also, Dan seems almost willfully to ignore the very large category of people who cheat because they want one-way monogamy.)

I mean, I don't use twitter. Or facebook. And even I know that once you tweet stuff, it can be found forever even if you delete it.

Candidate Trump praised Kim for his bold leadership in having his uncle murdered, so I'm looking forward to his take on the latest move.

That's one of the more interesting Flynn tangents, for me—how long can Pence wade through this without some tentacles wrapping around his legs and dragging him down? I think Ryan and McConnell were betting on "indefinitely" and that's looking way off.

Promise him that we'll put Ivanka in charge if he goes quietly?

Republicans have an advantage with people who vote because it's the Tuesday after the first Monday in November. Democrats have a base who increasingly care only about the presidential election—some Bernie voters were a distillation of this, convinced that Bernie + Republican Senate + Republican House + Republican

Rand Paul was jaw-dropping. I mean, how hard is it to put a word salad on that sentiment so it's not so bald?