Cinnamon Owl

Also that "the FBI listens when you call the Russian ambassador???" was a totally unexpected development for Flynn.

One of the more bizarre "I love fascists" moments in the election was when Trump praised Kim Jong Un for murdering his uncle, which is what he believes real leaders do. Kim seems to have just now murdered his half-brother, using female assassins with needles. Looking for some lavish compliments from Trump on this move.

As pointed out quite fairly by Obama's people in the 2008 primary, if the rules were different they would have run a different campaign. They ran a campaign, primary and general, to win by the rules in place. Trump is wrong when he says he won the popular vote, but right when he says that he would have run a different

That she won more votes, sure, bring that up. It causes Trump to spout various conspiracy theories which are embarrassing coming from a world leader.

Leaving us to ponder ABC’s fathomless publicity strategies.

Pence got unpleasantly tangled in this one while trying to carry out the most banal of bureaucratic clean-handedness—that should give some serious pause to him, Preibus, and anyone else confident that when Trump goes down Pence will be left free and clear to take over.

On his first full day in office, Trump told the CIA we might have a fun chance to invade Iraq again and this time carry off all their portable wealth. I will have no patience with anyone who claims to be surprised when this happens.

Maybe they feel unbalanced with Republicans seizing so much of the government, and want to have some "complaining about the people not in power" next to the "complaining about the people actually in power" stuff?

Hillary Clinton IS the establishment: she cannot run as the change candidate.

I can't believe anyone thinks the electorate is thirsting for a replay of the entire long slog of the 2016 election. At least come up with a new slog.

Most of what people hold against her is crap, but that's just the how the world is.

Even Trump admitted this, when asked for something he admired about her in a debate.

One of the smarter recent speculations from 538 was that if you reran the election 1000 times with slightly different starting conditions, you can readily see an alternate world in which "the emails" never really became a story… but probably something else synonymous with "Clinton is not trustworthy" did. It's a

What worried me the most this time around was that we had Clinton v Sanders (two 70ish people) while people wistfully talked of Biden and Warren (two other 70ish people). I would be thrilled with a Biden or Warren next time around, but… the Dems really need to be showcasing their young rising talent.

I live in Massachusetts, where we elected that dope Scott Brown because Dems did the "darn it, Martha Coakley deserves a turn" thing for an awful candidate. It took years for them to realize that whatever Coakley's personal pleasantness, she is not an appealing statewide candidate.

Then we can have The Bachelor: Oval Office. You know he would find that so much more fun than presidenting.

Bannon has much evil to sow.
Priebus… it's interesting to see the knives out for the head of the RNC who was supposed to be keeping this thing upright. Interesting.
Miller… reminds me of the rule about giving your evil villain a name like Steve, to throw people off. Still at "wait, which one is he?" stage for most

Flynn has always alarmed me purely on the grounds that he likes to promote conspiracy theories, and I want someone with a stronger grip on reality. The Russia spy stuff is interesting on the grounds that when this entire story is out, it is going to be hella humiliating for a lot of people. It's almost like we're

Also, people are moving out of undecided. He started 45 approve, 45 disapprove, and has managed to move that to 40 approve, 55 disapprove.