Cinnamon Owl

I noted a story from a Trump friend attacking Priebus as obviously having no clue at all about how the government works and indicating he should be fired. So that's a thing.

It's worth constantly repeating that "He doesn't mean anything he says literally, except these one or two things I like, but the rest is obviously the opposite of what he means" is what his supporters try to sell people.

It would. We have the institutions to defend ourselves against Trump—impeachment, the 25th amendment, the court system which unlike Congress is willing to push back—but it takes the will to use those institutions. Hoping someone out there will act… sounds a lot like the left's conviction that the only office that

They'd have to fire Putin. Could get interesting.

For normal people, I give them a lot of leeway here because it's frequently not obvious which convention is being used by a given English source.

The denizens of hell realize that hell is other people. What they haven't realized is that heaven is also other people—solitary confinement is a universal (or very near that) punishment.

Adorable Totoro avatar.

Phil: Jetpacks are the ultimate dream of every scientist. Skies teeming with ordinary citizens strapped to rockets!
Lem: Flying through the air at 60 mph in any direction!

I was worried about the cocktail, if that was part of the challenge and not just Sheldon deciding to go wild. Chef and bartender are usually different jobs. (How surprised would we be if a bunch of talented bartenders were put in a room, told to each come with a lunch entree that highlighted carrots and a cherished

The challenge coming down to story-telling was interesting.

I'm encouraged that most of the eliminated chefs who aren't Katsuji seem to have relaxed and be having a good time.

What he said about not wanting his son to watch him melt down when things suck really resonated with me, as a parent. And his reaction to his wife, that she was shy and beautiful and he couldn't believe she agreed to do this, was touching.

One thing I really liked in this episode was the complete absence of interchef drama. Focus on the food, not the complaining—that's the key to a good episode.

I thought invoking her name made sense in that context—a simple dish with nowhere to hide, highlighting a few ingredients.

I was thinking the same thing. I guess neuro is right about egg dishes, but it's become such a weird choice for a cut of meat you would normally sear to order.

And she could be replaced by a robot.

I wondered if that was a leak thing. But 'because we WILL be incompetent at the cyber' seems as likely.

The wide receiver dude. Also others.

Just before he took office, China tested Trump's "just try me, I am so wacky and unpredictable I might do anything!" by seizing that ocean probe. Trump's response was to go on a twitter rant, followed by Who cares, not me, keep it, see if I care. Firm and decisive leadership right there.

There was a report a couple of days ago that Flynn's NSA was asking the intelligence services for stuff they could give Russia. Like, specifically, do we have evidence of armed incursions from Poland into Belarus? (Normal intel people: "?????… No. That's the sort of thing you notice. No, being on infowars isn't