Cinnamon Owl

Trump's case literally rested on "my executive decisions are not open to checks and balances from the judiciary." I am not sure that's going to fly with the Court.

I am perplexed by his all-caps threat, as we just now left court. I can only assume he intends to sue the Ninth Court of Appeals for inadequate deference.

All are things that wouldn't raise much of an eyebrow unless you were already hip-deep in comparing every minor thing to literally slavery. 'Cracking the whip' definitely conjures up the southern plantation rather than Roman galley.

Powerless is like Blobby the cowless beef blob before they figured out how to exercise it.

While this is sadly not a good show, its existence did introduce me to Better Off Ted, which is the best deeply cynical Valentines Day gift I could possibly have given my research scientist husband.

An ad company had a bot that shorted stock (in milliseconds) based on negative Trump tweets, all profits going to charity.

Completely depends on the nature of the attack, and on how extravagantly badly Trump mismanages it.

That's been one of the interesting recurring polls by Gallup—faith in various institutions. Took a big hit after we found no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and another big hit after the financial crisis. The past election also wasn't good.

Trump already fulfilled his campaign promise to meet the drug companies and renegotiate drug prices: he emerged from the meeting explaining that you can't do anything that might impact their earnings because it can be used for research.

It's two-step verification to sign in. You're supposed to get the second half of the password sent to your mobile device, then input it in the password box. He input it into the outgoing tweet box.

I don't think there's a date at which the unchangeable adult personality locks in.

I tried. I read the first several pages. Flying spaghetti monster.

That's where I think he's gone astray. "Confidence" (especially "confidence based in reality and not self-delusion") and "piggishness" aren't synonyms.

Something I don't think gets enough attention from Dan is the value of the skill "be good at reading people." If you have it, you get to fast-track things, because you're good at figuring out what they mean by body language and tone. If you're terrible at it, then you have to move more awkwardly and ask for

Apparently the goal was to scoop up a high-ranking leader—not just laptops with 10-year-old videos already available online—and he wasn't there. So the "victory by any measure" measure is looking even thinner.

Something for which I'll give the press credit—calling out his bullshit and demanding evidence of what they would love to make a huge story if he could just indicate that the conspiracy wasn't all in his head.

It's a fascinating yet batshit rule that you cannot say anything about a Senate colleague that might suggest he or she is unfit to be a Senator. I suppose in normal floor debate it might raise the tone (stop talking about why your opponent is a dipshit who should never have been elected and start talking about how his

Yeah, "How can we convince the hardcore Trump adorers?" is not the question Dems should concern themselves with.

I actually have no objection to the idea that if you have lost all interest in sex, and have a spouse who hasn't lost all interest, opening the relationship is a lot more fair than moping about how if your libido is dead theirs would die in sympathy if they really loved you. But Dan left out 3) open marriage and new

If he'd said 'some' I'd have no problem with it. It's the 'most' that make me think he got this from the same place he gets his batshit evo-devo things. (Anyone here think breasts look just like butts?)