Cinnamon Owl

I've also heard this as "let's be same sex exclusive" if the bisexual is with a gay or lesbian partner.

Helpfully, WaPo checked and you know who was weirdly silent about these? Donald Trump's twitter, even while the Times and Post were reporting on them.

They also left out Montreal. Which happened, like, last week, and while it's been covered in the regular media the White House hasn't said a damn word.

That's what the Pontiac Bandit said, on Brooklyn 99.

I wish this got more attention, because "we need to dig up a pretext for Russia to invade Poland!" seems like such a spectacularly bad idea that surely it will alarm those cravenly hoping Trump will sign some deregulating/taxcutting stuff with teeth before he has to be removed.

Yeah, this is ludicrous bullshit that Trump supporters, and Trump, should be put on the line to defend as the proper functioning of any first family: parlaying their visibility into piles of cash.

Perfect for Naomi, though.

I'm not sure I'm capable of imagining what Trent believes to be relationship-ending material on Rebecca. Maybe she got a B+ in Tortes and had to take the class pass-fail.

His dad seems to be well-adjusted. Also his boss. Both of them give him the feeling he should be well-adjusted—have a grown-up job, etc.

Suuuuuure, Nathaniel….

… in song.

It is. There will be a lot of attention paid to the hearings, and shining a spotlight on Trump's craziest tinpot dictator moves is a far better way to turn the attention into some sort of good result.

If you google "Trump president website Muslim ban" it will take you to the Dec 2015 statement, on his presidential campaign website:

I cannot believe that of all the things Trump is doing—going to war with the judiciary, complaining that Bannon is sneaking stuff into his executive orders, pissing on the Constitution in myriad ways, threatening to go to war with any number of countries—anyone thinks "Why do we have to pay for security in New York?"

I think he was trying to start the Muslim ban (again, his words) with a wedge they were sure would get through easily and enjoy broad support—this is basically what Giuliani said. (Again, while calling it a 'Muslim ban.') They then failed to draft it well or sell it well.

Re confirming Gorsuch, I want the left to get off "but the election wasn't fair, we need to convince people of that" and onto 'So nominee Gorsuch, let us discuss your feelings about this latest Trump idea for how the courts need to kowtow to him…"

I will 100% back Melania (and any other first spouse) on ditching the whole "so you're married to this person who won elective office, that means you now have a job where we spend a lot of time criticizing your hair."

Hmm. Yeah, the UK Parliament is not known for sitting in respectful silence while someone says stuff they believe to be stupid.

Dominance politics has been his defining trait—he has to be the biggest bully in the room, and seen to be so by everyone watching. Enough stories about how Bannon is running everything while Trump wonders what's in those papers people keep making him sign will demand a show of dominance. And Kushner may be eager to

I thought pulling off a political statement that made people say "wow, through the power of her show I have realized I'm wrong about Trump" rather than "screw you liberal, dragging your politics into the musical number" would likely be an impossibly high standard.