Cinnamon Owl

I have this little future sketched out in which Melania divorces him, and he launches 2018 doing the two things he actually loves—running The Apprentice Oval Office and The Bachelor Oval Office. You know he would enjoy both of these so much more than what he's doing.

He's the one calling it a Muslim ban. (Or was until this past week, when they're wondering how people could have read "Muslim ban" on his campaign website and thought that he meant 'Muslim ban.') It's not like one can call it "a ban on people from countries who have sent us past terrorists." "A ban on countries with a

I thought the pen murder more set up Nathaniel viewing everything (sex, jogging, work, relationships) through the predator-prey metaphor.

Paula let Naomi have it over the phone vis a vis the wedding dress. It already happened.

So when the carriage is heading towards the cliff, the other person jumps off.

Something the show has actively addressed via Trent.

I don't think people were supposed to get "ooooh, she's still in a mental hospital" from the flashbacks. They were supposed to get that this was the start of her over-medicated-to-numbness history. And a big iteration of the beat of upending her life to chase a man who didn't want her.

Paula, V, and Heather seemed to. One could argue that Naomi did, and knew that she should for once keep quiet and stay back.

When it comes time to go from plotting over margaritas to action, I really want Paula to pull up, like she did at the start of Season 2.

For the knife twist: Did he think he was going to leave his wife and marry Rebecca when one of them realized that her dropping his class would make the relationship okay? Or did he realize that he needed to say whatever it took to make her drop the class so he wouldn't get in trouble for sleeping with a student, with

As the first musical number explains, if you re-arrange the letters in veil, they spell EVIL.

a) Bambajan rushes in with his Special Exception and they're saved on a technicality.
b) Vicki (née real Eleanor) has enough points for two good place residents—I think she's just over twice the average, which seemed a nice set-up to some point-finagling and perhaps was—and so her sacrifice is made to count for two

I think that's because their opinion differs from yours? It's not a conspiracy, but different taste?

Bear in mind he literally went to her psychiatrist's home practice and burst into the middle of her therapy session.

Father Brah and his advice has been great the whole time, but now it sets up how impossible it is to picture Josh giving that sort of counseling to someone. It would take a lot of growth on his part, at least.

I'm surprised more people don't show up at the choreography lesson in their wedding gowns, since it's not exactly the sweats and sneakers of fashion.

She didn't force a wedding on him—he proposed to her. While she was bending over backward to do the 'of course this is casual, you love something about me but not me, I'm not pushing for anything' dance.

The opposite of love is apathy or hatred.

I dunno—with the exception of Father Brah I think his guy friends have tended to give gentle hints (e.g. the 'we haven't known this dining room table as long as we've known you' conversations) rather than the glass-of-water-to-the-face calling out on the bullshit he's spinning for himself. He picks up their vague

Season 4 will take place at sea…