Cinnamon Owl

Suddenly, the possibility of a full-on Sound of Music homage has me hoping Josh Chan stays in that seminary for a bit.

Josh doesn't have a house. Except the seminary, but I'm guessing someone manages to put the brakes on church burning.

This would make an awesome musical number.

I didn't understand it, yet all possible reasons seemed gross. Nice trick, show!

I hate the trope of the dad who was never there… but you know family bond so the problem is that the grown offspring hasn't forgiven and moved on to total acceptance, opening themselves completely to a relationship on dad's limited terms. I'm always surprised and pleased when a show will suggest that a pattern of

If you anagram evil, it's 'veil.'

I've always read it as, just as her willingness to take a risk and try something new has infected other people, so does her internal musical score. (Though I don't need it to have an official explanation—Grampton's 'it's a musical' is enough.)

While the show doesn't have to be bound by reality, I don't think seminaries are required to admit everyone who shows up at the door to years of training.

While I love the character, I also think that leaving West Covina rather than hang around being bitter at things was a great move for him. One that showed real growth, and the kind of improvement that take-a-risk go-getter Rebecca wreaks in the lives of many people around herself.

I like that in all Naomi's awfulness, they give her that bit of trying to protect her daughter. And pleading with Rebecca's dad not to send her away.

It's why I so appreciate Dr. Akopian's frustration that people always reduce the question to which guy she should pick, and that isn't the question.

He could run away and turn up on her doorstep. And Rebecca will realize that fixing her half-brother is the chance to fix all the things her parents did wrong in her childhood.

I completely missed the relevance of 'singing to herself' until this moment.

The flip side is, what if it's a boring thing he already knew? Like if you're suspicious that someone is cheating on you, and so you snoop, and find nothing, and it in no way allays your fears that they are cheating on you… the problem is that you don't trust them, not that the cheating verification system is buggy.

Realizing that he didn't want to just talk to Rebecca about all his concerns—as Father Brah so sensibly told him to do—was the important breakthrough.

It was clearly still sealed when he threw it in the trash.

Valencia will reject him for being too tall.

"I don't even wash my hands."

I didn't like that, in the sense that I thought someone flat pointing out that Rebecca shouldn't marry anyone, and Josh shouldn't marry anyone, was an excellent point—like when Dream Dr. Akopian spelled out "no the question it is not which man you should choose, why do you keep reducing everything to that?!!!"—and

And the bridesmaid dresses were attractive, with Paula's a reasonable tie in to the color and theme but flattering to her.