Cinnamon Owl

I have a tiny hope that Trump winds up being the massive zit head of all these trends and, exhausted, the country will regroup while rejecting the purity partiers?

The GOP blew up a major part of the Senate's role when they did that, and the voters didn't punish them for it. That's a game changer.

Merrick Garland should have had a hearing and a vote but he didn't and that's over now.
I think the left really needs to grasp this. There was a time to make the Senate pay for not confirming Garland, that was election day, and it spectacularly failed on the voter level. The left didn't care enough to go out and vote.

In all seriousness, the plan to gain a Democratic House in 2018 and then impeach Trump and get Pence at the same time even though he is very unlikely to have done anything impeachable is way over-complicated.

The REASON that all those blue senators in red states are coming up for reelection in 2018 is that it is two terms from 2006. When Democrats turned out, even though it was a midterm and those are so boring, and delivered a congress that could put a hold on W.

I think people need to let go on but-it's-Garland's-seat and the belief that that will somehow work. The Senate failing to vote was a ludicrous miscarriage of the basic requirements of the office…. that voters decided to reward. If they nuke the filibuster (which I believed was coming whoever was in office) then there

As with street harassment, there is a theory that hey it might work. If it fails 200 times, eh, that's 200 innocent strangers you've creeped out, but 201 might have sex with you.

Back in… calculates… the 90s, the people I knew who lived with their moms had moved back in for a few years to help out after their dads died.

Having paired off back when the new dating technology was to drive to a warehouse and watch vcr tapes of possible matches, I am never going to keep straight whether swiping left or right is good.

I am hoping for a swerve, in keeping with the theatrics—he invited the two finalists, but will bring out someone no one expected, suggested to him by Putin.

On tape delay? They keep getting tricked into giving hotel tours.

Fingers crossed that flying in The Two Heritage-Foundation Finalists is a fake out and he's about to put forward someone Putin suggested.

Or has inside information about the role frozen yogurt will play next season. Ultimately we'll realize that Michael's horrified "Yogurt can hurt people?!!!!" in Chidi's Choice was the key all along.

I don't understand the italicized part. What is PP going to do or say that allows someone to jump out from behind a bush and yell "Aha! Gotcha! You can't say that!"

I feel like I should do a PSA on delayed speech. It happens a lot, there can be a lot of reasons, and there are now a lot of ways to help. I think of it as analogous to physical therapy for a mysteriously sore shoulder, where the therapist does a bunch of small diagnostic movements ("Does this hurt? This? This? This?

No, it just needs scary quote marks, like on Michael's design.

Did you like or hate Pushing Daisies?

-The AVClub

It's so hard to tell this year.

One of the most interesting aspects of The Good Place (and its cousins) is how incredibly static they are. Should eternity really be the equivalent of either sitting on a cloud, or sitting in a spray of lava piranhas? The former is more appealing, but not actually all that awesome. Kind of… medium.