Cinnamon Owl

Or dumping paper clips on Eleanor in joy.

By the finale, when the inability to swear takes on a whole new rationale, it's forking sublime.

*Michael makes a note on this new way to frozen yogurt a human experience*

I could absolutely see him fleeing with them rather than be 'retired.' ECTJ will overthrow the afterlife, suborned AIs, angels, and demons in their wake.

I am rewatching, and the bonds formed between the four characters in the first few episodes are so much more meaningful when you know that they weren't supposed to happen. That they are supposed to torment each other, not forking help each other.

Including as to "huh, why don't we have some hang-out episodes where we just explore TGP and don't move the main plot forward?"

I'm up through ep 10 so far, and it is astonishing how well it plays with both possible knowledge bases. (Especially as I had previously argued you can no longer pull off a really satisfying twist in a serialized work.)

I think What is Janet is going to be a huge question, going forward.

Jamil seems to be the real-world version of Kamila.

We don't even know what role frozen yogurt will play going forward!

Perhaps we should hope not?

On NPR at the moment, they are mentioning the exception for those who are persecuted for their religion, which was intended to be Syrian Christians (awkwardly, turns out many religions persecuted in Syria), which is also definitely not based on religion.

I'm definitely pondering the connection between:
• At CIA, tosses in a suggestion about invading Iraq again, this time picking up all the oil and carrying it with us as we retreat.
• Deciding we need to minimize intelligence and the military on the NSC.

Continuing the 'National Park Service + CIA' theme that is one of many surreal aspects of this administration.

It would just move the time when people need to form a coalition. What in a parliamentary system is a 'party' in our system is a 'branch of a party.'

Great to see Hidden Figures get some love.

As I type this Sunday night, a tiny dog is toddling about my house, liberating the tennis balls that have been lost under the furniture. No collar, and according to the local shelter no chip. Clearly someone's well-cared for pet.

It's a real test of how sincerely anyone believes, "He at least will let us put through a lot of our polices, and then we can run on their phenomenal success."

"Fresh whipped cream" ≠ French or Italian.

A farm stand near me has gummies on a stick, and for reasons I cannot explain this makes the gummies so much more delicious to my children.