Cinnamon Owl

I live in a similar-sized town, and we have ubers.

While disapproving of the classic version, I at least understand the bones of a story where the teacher/coach spends lots of time with young people, and the kids are just coming into their own and discovering their passions and mixing that up with the person helping to guide them. Add a missing parent of the teacher's

What makes it a great comic choice is that it's not bad the way lime green or ruffles would be bad. It falls right into that nice space that can lean 'fine if it makes you happy' or 'the tuxedo fell from a plane on its way to a Las Vegas night club act.' It is not normal, and normal is Rebecca's watchword. Nor is it

Suuuuuure, Nathanial, you tell yourself you're not turned on by the thought of her not washing her hands.

As a goody two shoes with a perfectionist child, I cringed so hard at that line.

You know who we need in a scene? Dr. Akopian and White Josh. Being really sensible together.

All of the torpedos will crash into each other at once!

I always appreciate on this show that dream ghost Dr. Akopian spelled out "It is not about which man you choose! Why do you keep thinking that!?"

I really liked that for Rebecca. Crazy she may be, but she's becoming slightly better at peering outside her own drama, realizing other people have their own, and occasionally putting them first.

Baby jars make so much more sense than mason jars! She's brilliant!

It's a serial killer thing, makes it easier for them to sneak up on you.

Why is it that girls with nothing emotionally invested in him are the only chill ones?

And we know what happens when Josh feels comfortable with and totally unpressured by a lady…

A feeling Rebecca's calamitous life often seems to inspire in people.

I really like that she seems to be sincerely given the plot "the opposite of love is indifference" rather than pining. (My favorite Valencia moment to date was her realization at his sister's wedding that her problem had nothing to do with Rebecca, it had to do with Josh.)

Me, this ep: "Sunil! It's Sunil! Look, Heather! Father Brah! Valencia!!"

I think Rebecca's mother will do whatever is least helpful. See her 180 on Josh.

The last part is what makes it so utterly perfect for Maya.

Naps! Probably everyone took a nap.

I had no idea who they were until reading your post.