Cinnamon Owl

If there's one solid throughline for the show, it's a complete lack of interest in solving cases.


Top Chef Canada had the right approach, which was for the product placements to be things like paper towels, countertops, and the beloved Morton Salt Box Cam. It avoided the nonsense of "you used frozen scallops, oh the horror… okay this week, everyone is making a frozen entree that might be adapted by our frozen TV

I'm far more okay with that stuff in a quickfire. (One of my favorite 'sure why not' quickfires was on TC Canada, where they had the home repair guy on as a judge, and then everyone had to cook using x-acto knives and saws rather than normal kitchen implements. It was fun and creative in a way you don't expect, and no

It's an interesting aspect of the family memory challenges—if your family was burnt tuna noodle casserole (some chefs develop an interest in cooking as basic survival) you need to dig deep for something that simultaneously tells an interesting story and is something people will want to eat.

Agree on great prompts. One of the greatest meals they ever had, where everyone hit it out of the park, was for Snow White. And then in the Boston season they had literary classics, which wound up being really interesting—those who did well chose one image and focused on that, while poor Kwame tried to recreate

I first encountered Deadspin this morning in the WaPo's morning summary, where they were being pwned by Ted Cruz of all people.

Judging by the very limited sample of a bit under a week, Trump is only interested in issues that translate as "ratings"—approval numbers, crowd numbers, TV ratings, and now we've added that the media called his bluff on why he isn't investigating 'massive fraud in that election I won' so he's going to investigate.

A bit back but similar topic (guy messaged a woman that he wanted to buy her underwear, she blocked him, he wanted Dan to scold her) was a comment from someone who does elaborate cosplay at conventions. She gets asked for her photo all the time, she assumes some guys plan to use it that way, it doesn't bother her….

In fairness, we can't say it's something that comes up all the time and why didn't he find something new.

I think he's aware of Mike Pence, actually.

I get the feel of a fetish ramping up, where what was enough before now isn't so exciting. So he's going through contortions, hoping Dan will tell him it's actually correct to drop a quick note to the women, rather than a violation of basic social filters.

2006 happened. Not only did it happen, but it happened 12 years ago—that is, with the same Senate seats. It can be done.

I'd view the emoluments clause as "When Republicans decide they need to ditch Trump tout suite, they've got all they need." (Same for Dems if it is bad enough to repeat 2006 and deliver an off-year Dem victory in congressional races.) It's like there's a button under glass, so when they need to take him down because

Crazy Ex Girlfriend got a third season.

Isn't "I found a person on Tinder, we haven't met yet, but it's going to be SO FABULOUS!!!!" rather piteous?

I'm sure as hell not googling to check.

Whereas, if they just leave Trump in place doing what the veep suggests, it will be so totally cool for them!

Possibly all restaurant names said by Shirley with a note of childlike wonder can be made to work.

I agree with Trump/Conway that the taxes are demonstrably not enough of a problem to preclude his being elected. Just like his violation of dozens of other small-d democratic norms.