Cinnamon Owl

I think the Real universal point system being unyielding and unfair and arbitrary is going to be part of the point of the show.

That's why I thought she was there legitimately—ripples count (per early Michael). (Same with Chidi, where the results of his teaching leading to more good would rebound to raise his score.)

I'm sliding from eye-rolling to just feeling so sorry for her. Much as I loathe that instinct to not say anything in the moment, then complain later, she's now so outmatched, no one expects her to last, and it's starting to seem cruel.

Thanks for pulling these together. I like 4 Pigs, and Fin is okay. R3Volt continues to be an actively negative connotation for food.

And in conclusion he claimed that he knew a lot about West Point, his uncle was a professor at MIT, and summarized "Trust me, I'm, like, a smart person."

I want to give props to WaPo for clearly throwing down against the "we presented alternate facts" narrative (TM Kellyann Conway) and being unafraid to open an article with variations on "Today the president/his spokesman incorrectly claimed…"

Arrival. Both the film, and the fact that a talky film about linguistics with trash talking involving Sumerian translation but few fight scenes wound up being immensely popular.

So a Season 3 with the Four Horsemen of Mediumness, plus lava monsters, plus some evilly scheming rocks will unite to try to overthrow the folk running the afterlife?

If this show does manage to run for 3-4 seasons (I think I read that they had a small-season plan?), the fact that Janet was stolen from the good place might come more and more into play.

It's Washington.

So at the very beginning, the guest judges really emphasize that this is about working together on a unified menu, not one chef one dish that needn't go with what anyone else on their team is doing. And Emily and Katsuji immediately ignore this to attempt to rise and fall on the strength of their own single dishes.

I will be so happy if Season 2 (do it, NBC!) features a cameo by an evil rock.

Drunkenly married… to Valencia!

I am a fan of Greg leaving because I think the show is about being crazy enough to make real changes in your life, something Rebecca did and inspires in others. 'Leaving West Covina' is a logical and good thing for someone she inspired.

I watched it on the website this morning with no problem. (And noticed a lot of the ads seemed very specific to either CW or the show, with zaniness.)

I don't want a love triangle or care much about Nathaniel, but I do have faith that the show can find the crazy in anyone, no matter how bland.

Thought: Part of the reason Jason is so dumb is a nod to the Socratic (I think?) dialogues in which an unlettered slaveboy is led to perceive great philosophical insights through the right leading questions. For modern viewers, 'slave' connotes 'oppressed person whose potential has been denied' rather than

No, she never had a flashback of any sort.

I was really relieved when they stopped having them do the decor. "How well can you decorate a restaurant on a budget under ridiculous time constraints?" is just not a question I have ever had about a chef.

Even if you're excellent at driving in snow, you don't want to be on the road surrounded by people who never do it.