Cinnamon Owl

If you view "same dream" as "sex dream about the person with whom I have raging sexual tension" it's fine.

It's such a unique way to make him more relatable yet also even more punchable.

I think Heather is Gryffindor. She is fearless about pointing out people's bullshit, she just looks bored rather than brave/terrified while she does it.

But roundabout the third time we get too “whee” and “weird,” it starts to get a bit old.

I'd never thought about that. But there is real scientific evidence that cursing reduces your perception of pain—people yelling "fucking shit" can keep their hand in ice water longer than those yelling "forking shirts."

A point made by Eleanor, that I agree with, is that adults don't blame their actions on other people.

One is time pressure, and needing to come up with something immediately.

But to torture her, she has to believe she's surrounded by people who are better than her.

Well, we're all cats with unusual fine motor skills.

If Michael stealing her wasn't something they planned all along…

Yes. The details about who's in and out are what make the twist—you see all those thinly-drawn background characters with new eyes. (And if you posited Michael was in on it, I still would not have called Janet being pure good place.)

Michael reminds his first boss about a meeting with Point Allocation. So I think they're real. And that the system is alarmingly close to the one we saw, some things reasonable (end slavery) and others mysterious (eat sandwich).

I enjoy a nice unfolding clockwork heist… but never as hindsight. If every move is claimed after the fact to have been perfectly predicted by the main character, down to the second, and it all came off with no quivers, it feels cheap. Real life throws in unknown unknowns, and so should fiction—watching people scramble

I wonder if he was maybe set up to shut her down every time she starts to confess—take his shirt off, later talk about how devoted he is to never lying even by omission—in the hopes it will keep her from reaching out to anyone. Which her note just subverted.

Stealing a Janet suggests that the neighborhood he built is based on the real Good Place neighborhoods.

I take the Medium Place as legit, because it was suggested by Janet. I think Michael and Shawn genuinely didn't know where they had gone—but did figure out they had taken the Janet—the only way to run the train—so they could walkie talkie with them. Had they not returned, they would have spun through "Real Eleanor

Trevor thought that one up. He was really proud of it.

Michael stole a Janet from The Good Place.

You know that a real world chance to go to 'camp' fleeing giant ladybugs to Ariana Grande music while eating frozen yogurt would be a huge hit.

It gives an interesting twist on motivation, in that all Jason's easily-predictable disasters seem to have been unforeseen by him—he's not malicious.