Cinnamon Owl

This was a good start. We now know that motivation counts, which wasn't at all evident before.

My new theory is that your soulmate is the person in close proximity who best matches your pizza preferences, and Michael will be bewildered when Tahani tries to explain the usual human understanding of the term.

That's my guess. If she's out of the neighborhood, he can't get her.

This kills me, because so often it seems to be the entire basis for the alleged romantic tension between two characters.

I'm increasingly down on LCK. It seems pre-ordained that the last or second-to-last chef to go out at the end will win and rotate right back in.

John deserved an award for making something good from canned peas. Like, I didn't think it could be done.

Sheldon and I share an astrological sign. I suppose I can stay for that.

The great part of the analogy is that running around looking for stuff in a city you know well is the kiss of death on TAR, too.

I'm quite sure this was the case. You could tell by size, heft, and what they did when they got back—there were a lot more scallops and lobsters than would have fit in the bags.

I didn't think he should give up his immunity, but I thought he should never have had it that late in the season. It's for early rounds, to put some oomph in the quickfire drama and encourage the winner to take a risk in the elimination challenge rather than shoot for the safe middle.

I loved the cousin thing.

Petulant is the perfect adjective here.

I hate to criticize anyone's hair, but the braids are just… it's not at all a flattering hairstyle, while being simultaneously less practical than the wound-up-in-back styles favored by the other chefs with long hair. (I have long hair, so practical ways to deal with it are something I notice—I hate women of action

Good point about recovery.

They did do that. The bags were just for show, stuffed with more burlap or something.

She put up a fight for steak tartare, which is how I knew Jim was going home—he was the odd man out on what to cook, usually an awful sign.

Ivar hasn't been shown to be the greatest hand-to-hand combat expert in all of the North Atlantic. He's been shown as able to fight adequately against some drunk people who mostly farm or build or whatnot, but do some raiding in the off-season. It's not much different from assuming the short guy, or skinny guy, or

Honestly, Wikileaks coming out strongly against leaks has been one of the few amusing parts of this.

Recall that his first tweet on this was to point out that Russia claims they do NOT have blackmail stuff on him. Like he believes this to be a convincing line of argument.

Trump is below 40% approval rating, and that's with the wave function for his all-policies-to-all-people not yet collapsed into actual policies. And regularly shooting off his mouth with promises like the New Health Care involving no one losing their coverage, and being terrific but also cheap, which he will expect