Cinnamon Owl

There was someone born without the ends of all four limbs who was on his high school wrestling team. And successful.

Rewatching ep 2 online, the two scenes I don't remember are:
• Michael has been forced to ban flying for 1000 years after an unfortunate human-rotting-turkey-carcass collision.
• Chidi moves into Eleanor's spare room to avoid rousing suspicion while tutoring her.

I think it's more "I will die before I finish, and so won't be here to hear the lamentations… Hmm, I seem to still be alive. Well, that can't last forever."

I think the TV series passing the books freed him to piddle with them endlessly, never finishing.

Study the sex scenes in The Last Man on Earth.

Kim Kardashian gets retweeted way, way more than Trump. I'm sure there's some intense rivalry there.

Then I'm fine with asking her out when the work gig is done.

I don't think he'd come up with that one. He is after all a breeder—he doesn't use the term derogatively.

One of the weirder turns was that in his very first tweet denial he cited Putin—Putin says he totally does NOT have blackmail material on him, so there.

The only reason I think it's fake is that they went to the trouble of coming up with the derogatory BREEDER as a signoff.

I give Dan credit for his consistent and nuanced stance on implied consent, and sex that started while someone was drunk/asleep—that it's fair to make a distinction between people who assume with good will and based on past history that their established partner will be delighted, versus people who assume that if SOME

It is bizarre how many people cast about for an extramarital naughty times partner and wind up making a pass at their kid's teacher. Who knew this could go badly for the kid? (Including the majority of the time when the teacher freezes you out as a creepy weirdo.)

I dunno, a lot of kinks that show up in this column initially as "duh this is for show not realsies" seem to rapidly generate letters along the lines of "it's no fun for me if it's fake, it has to be real."

This is one where I think "If something could easily kill you, or someone else, maybe you should not indulge in this kink" should count as obvious common sense, not shaming.

Hiring sex workers to pee on things while you watch is not unheard of to sex workers. Which is why it's considered a sex thing in this context.

Sex acts aside, the sheer gullibility of not realizing his Great Admirer set him up should be what makes the Republicans turn on him.

It's worth pointing out, when people look for a conspiracy, that no way did Democrats go to this much trouble to elect Pence.

Something had to top all the election crazy and this… this does it.

I'm not saying it, but people are saying it. It's all over the internet. You tell me.

That's up there with Nikki Haley's "Why bless his heart."