Cinnamon Owl

This is explicitly what he says about Putin. Putin says nice things about him, ergo he will say nice things about Putin.

I've been perplexed by the repeal and delay idea, because it seems like BOTH 'Trump voters confident he was kidding about taking away the insurance they have through ACA' and 'Trump voters confident he was sincere that they can stop buying too-expensive insurance' would be pissed off at this. I realized yesterday that

Around the New Year NPR played an interview with Bill Ayers about the progressive revolution. In which he fervently believes. When he talked about how Clinton wouldn't get a honeymoon because the Sanders voters would demand Radical Change Now, I realized it was replayed. But then the host asked about electing Trump as

Just remember that all it takes now is for the Republicans to turn on him. The moment he takes office there will be enough conflict of interest stuff to choose one, claim that it is a high crime and misdemeanor almost as bad as "interpreted the action 'oral stimulation from person not my spouse' as 'foreplay' rather

During the election, Trump was convinced that if Nate Silver met Trump, he would give Trump a much higher chance of winning. Nate found this weirdly touching.

Theory: The Hollywood-Dem axis has agreed that one person will set him off in rotation. He'll busily go to twitter war with that person and not get distracted and start governing.

He's been shown as someone who agonizes over minor decisions, like telling his boot bro the truth about boots, for years.

Agree on the genius. This was a dish that, done well, would embody simple, straightforward, nowhere to hide.

I don't often recognize actors, but the procedural trope of the one witness interviewed in the first 20 minutes who didn't really have to exist in the plot is very much alive on the show.

Everybody sing!

She's in LA, not West Covina. (Until this ep, wherein she discovers its wondrous parking.)

She was tempted to, but didn't. On confessing this, he confessed to being tempted (by someone named Misty at work), but not following through. They then bonded by throwing a rock through a window.

He's insecure and awkward, just via daddy issues.

Isn't Moriarty's shadow looming over the season precisely because the writers insisted figuring out his (or someone wearing his face's) plan was the reason for Sherlock's etre?

Driving. Really the only time. Most of my driving is short and local, so it's a long car trip thing—if I'm really enjoying a book and we only got halfway through on the trip, I'd be inclined to get the print version to finish. It doesn't fit well into the short jots of errands.

She's still having sex with the guy who's not too tall.

His dad sees diabetes as a form of weakness, perhaps.

I can't wait for Trent and Nathaniel to face off.

I think the set-up was White Josh and Hector observing that Josh managed to be single for 8 minutes between Bex and Anna. Having been dumped by Anna, he needs a girlfriend… someone adoring… I know someone who adores me! Sticking with it and the little roadside shrine of teddy bears was a refusal to admit he was wrong