Cinnamon Owl

I swear Nick won his season by appearing to always be just one more episode away from an epic on-camera meltdown.

He seemed to be arrive on brioche after going down a hole that started at radishes + butter being a classic pairing. Which it is, but that's cold sliced radishes plus cold pure butter with a little salt. Maybe on a little pumpernickel round. I think there's a reason radish croissants are not a thing.

You can throw the premade tortillas on a hot grill (or griddle) for a few seconds on each side.

Really weird storytelling decisions, capping a season that felt like it had the outlines of a great plot barely breathing under all the stalling and slo mo and Why The Heck Did Hector Knock Out Warren, Then Exhibit The Ability To Magically Teleport Out Of His Cell, But Not Escape All The Way?

UFOs hitting everyone with a tractor beam out of the bottom, which sucks them all up into the ship to be probed, is a well-established trope. To the extent that I'd be astonished if it doesn't happen.

I think you have to follow the show on Twitter, and be ready to jump when they are in your city.

It annoys me on tortillas, because unless you're cooking for six it is not possible to crank them out fast enough, and they seem to want it when making fish tacos for 75. Reheating your own tortilla you made yesterday isn't really different from reheating one the grocer made. (With heating being key—I do not

I wouldn't mind a sudden death quickfire between Meat Failure and The Veggie Killer.

I find it helps to refer to him as "Meat Failure."

I always imagine he smells of hair gel.

Katsuji tries to throw everyone off their game by being really grating. On the one hand, it seems to be without malice and just part of his TV schtick, and is seen as that by his shrugging opponents. On the other, still irritating.

I can't be the only one who thought the headline was about The Flash, right?

I refer the wacky visitor to Tim Scott, Senator from North Carolina, who still has to deal with constantly being pulled over for driving while black. Though he does get a formal apology from various chiefs of police every few months, which didn't used to happen.

As with "holy smokes Trump has conflicts of interest" the press needs to observe this, expect that everyone noticed so it's a formality to state it, and then get on with reporting details. No amount of "gosh darn it how can we report on his actions if he won't do a press conference and answer our questions?"

I'm in favor of Electoral College shenanigans not to change the outcome, but as a way to illustrate just how very many shenanigans are dragged along by our quaint archaic system, and maybe saying "we will use some quaint rules, but totally ignore others, and just figure that forever people will agree with us about

Blais is feh, Toby is a nightmare. Though if Blais isn't talking much, as here, he seems to just occupy the chair, with little to say about what made a dish shine. I would have vastly preferred Graham.

This season, props to production for good challenge design in terms of appealing food. It really makes all the difference. And to chefs for avoiding the most wince-worthy lines. e.g. "I'm not here to make friends" or "I have line cooks, I haven't chopped an onion in years." Also, no one decided that NOW would be a

This stuff—waving around various 'well if we're going to use an outmoded system, let's use it' threats—just might be enough to push more states into the popular vote bill.

That's what makes this show really interesting, compared to other post-apocalypse tales: there is no vast outside immediate physical menace, like zombies, to draw our little group of survivors together in a desperate fight for survival. They don't even have a mix of crucial maintenance and survival skills, to drive

A posh town near me has a park that has old Victorians along two sides, and little post-war houses along the other two sides. The latter are regularly bought, knocked down, and replaced with new Victorians that blend gracefully into the neighborhood giant bland McMansions on little small ranch lots.