Cinnamon Owl

Christmas in a minor religious holiday; the big one is Easter. The War on Christmas folks should be going around claiming they're oppressed by people who don't say "Happy resurrection of the Christ!" in a snappy manner.

For the first time, I watched half the episode and realized that I really didn't care what happened, and turned it off.

I feel like a lot of the turns in this season would be really cool on a storyboard, but the details of writing and directing mangled them.

So not this episode, nor this show. The problem with "a lot of shows" is that, as with OP ignoring all the male-centric episodes throughout the season to complain that a single female-centric episode means the show is unbalanced, it has a very strong sampling bias.

What is it about Doc and The Man (who won his multiple duels with Addy, and still has Lucy) in this episode that strikes you as weak? Or in the season, Murphy brings hope and order to the apocalypse with a group of followers who, save Merch and 10K, all volunteered—that's weakness? What is weak about Simon, trudging

This is really bizarre. You believe that there is no amount of evidence of Russia working to help Trump that can be true, because Russian agents are de facto not possible in your world view?

Because it's the blazingly obvious "wait, there are facts, there is reality—THERE IS SO REALITY" one.

Hopefully the newbs knew to practice that? "I'm used to having a line chef!" is a well-worn trope.

They switched her because she underwent stress, boosting her from tenish to around 12 or 13. So the new Lucy is a sheltered crazy hybrid dealing with teenage hormones.

Yesterday I drove by a roadwork crew who had brought along the plastic sheep from someone's creche, and had it grazing on the asphalt in the middle of the construction.

These are not exclusionary qualities.

Blasphemer. Next thing you'll be going outdoors.

So it's a way to get your cardio. And then your brows stand out more against your emaciated face.

Heather didn't do a pole dance.

Agree with BoredNow—he didn't have a ring, and was going to stall for months. Then he'd move on to reasons to stall any planning of the actual wedding.


Heh. My first name is the same as someone with a similar phone number who works at the senior center. About once a month I go back and forth with a caller until enough clues drop that we determine we can't help each other.

And now, after stealing that car and leaving that woman and the young girl to fend for themselves, I really hope she does get killed off for real.

This. It's why the fight scene in the S1 finale of Veronica Mars is one of my favorites—because it looks like getting beaten really slows you down.

While I thought Addy stepping out for part of S2 felt weird (like they were throwing that point in to allow the actor a couple of months off, rather than it being organic) I do think it works as an overall point of the apocalypse: Feeling so exhausted that you just want to stop for a while. And when that refuge gets