Cinnamon Owl

I'm perplexed by this whole "I agree with Trump's second, third, and fifth sentences. So he means those literally, but not the first, fourth, and sixth sentences—those are just serious but not literal."

Polling was quite new then, wasn't it? I'm dubious that journalists were relying on it without a strong track record.

What part of Ben Carson's resume suggests he's not ready to be secretary of housing?

If Mitt just took on the narrow job "will actually have the nuclear codes" I would find it a great relief.

He is claiming that everything is rigged against him.

She was there. She seemed to be considered for everything, which may also be nothing.

I appreciated that Fivethirtyeight has declared itself a pivot-free zone. As in there will be no, "Okay, he didn't pivot to be more presidential any of the other times I was sure he would, but surely now…"

The Good Place.

I'm very mild-mannered, so it always bothers me when I have a more practical 'commit murder and get away with it' plan than the cold-blooded murderer.

It took them to the second location of the restaurant. We were just about to have one driver go check there (after about 15 minutes) and the other continue waiting in plain sight outside the correct spot when they finally realized that answering the regularly-ringing cell phone might be a way to find us.

Didn't stop people from rising up in anti-gay arms when Frozen had the same message. Interesting that it ties to tales-of-acceptance-in-the-arctic of a generation or two back. (See also Rudolph.)

The following has nothing to do with WOT but I need to get it off my chest:

The Dem superdelegates and Republican rules committee serve similar purposes here: if the apparent nominee is going down in a blaze of scandal (think John Edwards) then they can weigh in to throw the nomination to someone else.

Send angry and poorly-spelled tweets.

Just remember, only take him literally when he agrees with you. The rest of the time he is just kidding.

One of the minor yet super weird aspects of the election was that the one time Priebus clearly pulled out some sort of testicle noose and forced Trump to do something was… to read off an index-card endorsement of Paul Ryan, who had a comfortable 60-point lead in his primary polls and did not need the help.

Also Limitless. In a rare twist for me, I have to admit that this is a show you need to watch from the beginning, because so much of the humor and small plot turns that make the middle episodes great rest in knowing the characters really well, so those small and large beats feel organic rather than just there. Coming

Five thousand seconds on Pushing Daisies!!!

FlashForward. Great concept—easy to explain, yet opens lots of possibilities for stories large and small—brought down by the world's most ludicrously overcomplicated conspiracy. I can see why those adapting the original fairly cerebral book needed to add evil villains for TV, but there have to be dozens of ways to do

People should start throwing that out at social events. "Would you just leave me alone?! Or else when the police come to check out your murder alibi I will swear I never saw you."