Cinnamon Owl

Holder (with his beryl coronet and his 'Holder' calling card) intrigued me more in one scene than Shinwell has over a dozen.

Also too: Making sausage is a skill, one that like tomato sauce has many many variations. Why does our CEO not merely know how to make sausage, but how to make sausage that in appearance, texture, smell etc will be EXACTLY like the pig-anise sausage sold by this shop, to such a degree that people who handle the real

Or at least the correct type of plastic tub.

Can anyone explain sausage making as a way to get rid of a corpse? You take all sorts of chances at getting caught by hauling the body around and breaking into a business and being there for hours and making noise running the machines… and you still have a skeleton. One that doesn't pass for a pig skeleton.

Like her wardrobe, she is just that much cooler than us.

It is at least very common. I was perplexed by that ostensible clue, in a straight culinary sense.

Looking at the whole season:

Points for the bedazzled bullet-repelling zombies, a more logical menace than the masked kraken.

I think he was named for the beer.

While it is really easy to get guns broadly speaking, he can't get one legally. And to do it illegally, he would need criminal connections. What did he do, wander around a sketchy area of town waving a suitcase of money and saying "Yeah, do you know where I can trade this for a high-end sniper rifle?" I could maybe

Which is the spinoff we all want.

On further reflection:
• Joan can get access to mug shots because "my sister saw this guy I know talking to a guy who looked gang-y"?
• She can then get a parolee brought in to talk to her, by the police, despite the police "not being involved"?

Also too: I don't have any hair on the back of my hands, nor the middle section of my fingers. I had no idea it was a specific genetic pattern.

Still mystified about the point of Shinwell's story. I half-expected a cut from Joan leaving to a cloaked villain stepping from the shadows.

Also, how did he get a very high end rifle? "Hi there, I am an Afghan with no ID who was just smuggled into your country, I would like a very expensive sniper rifle designed for taking difficult shots. Why? No reason."

Trump U failed to interest anyone for more than a year; I don't think the settlement reads as anything more exciting than:
R: President wisely turns his focus to the future, sacrificing by paying a small legal fine like he does for tall flag poles.
D: Ha! We knew it! Guilty!

I remember working on a paper touching on academia around 1900, and learning that acquiring a wife was expected at a certain level because a full professor has social obligations and needs someone to handle that side. It was certainly true of the presidency at that time, where any single president needed a female

Basically, he has to be given enough rope that either:
a) His voters are demanding his impeachment, so Congress cooperates.
b) He is so uncontrollable that Congress realizes they had better take him down before he hangs them all, whatever trumped up charge it takes.

Trump literally used the phrase "safe space" in his complaints.

One of the things I thought disqualifying for Trump is that he believes wacky unpredictability to be a huge ASSET in a chief executive. It is how he runs being a reality TV character and a mascot for his business, and his explicit foreign policy. It's his explicit critique of Obama's foreign policy.