Cinnamon Owl

I just keep remembering Trump explaining why he wanted Flynn in his intelligence briefings. First, because Flynn is a huge fan of Trump. Second, Flynn thinks Trump is an astounding genius…

Heck, if any AVClub members woke up on the ship to find Sara and Rip arguing about which one had a plan we should follow, I don't see anyone reasoning "Rip has had a real solid grasp of how time travel and cause and effect work."

Republicans tend to give it to the guy who came in second last time; Dems tend to go with someone completely new. So both went rogue this year.

It was a close election. Ergo, there are any number of small "if you just nudged this variable a little" scenarios where the result flips.

About a decade ago, I stopped subscribing to my local paper. There was a local tax issue, one that had a lot of relevant numbers (is the number of households with school age kids going up or staying steady? how about compared to nearby towns? tax rates?) and the only way those numbers showed up was in letters to the

That's why I suspect "any other person would have won" is naive. If you look at everything that should have cratered his campaign and didn't because he's a guy who tells it like it is (in the sense of saying the thought he's having in his brain right this moment, not the sense of that thought being logically congruent

I don't know the title, but it's a sculpture in the Sackler Gallery. Large slab of metal scattered with holes the diameter of a pencil, the holes connected by lines the diameter of a pencil lead, set in front of a window. As you approach its a dark expanse, then you get to the right angle for the sunlight to come

Several things I really liked with Nikita:
• It starts out just her. Then her and Alex. Then she adds the govt guy. Then she adds Michael. Then nerd. Rather than be all about one lone wolf bringing down everything, the lone wolf gradually lured an army to her side.

I realized, half asleep last night, that I expected to wake up from that.

Europa Report, which I was astonished to find out was a horror movie. (Not normally my genre; if I'm going to have my hands over my eyes there's not much point in seeing a movie.) Then reflected, okay, a lot of bad things keep happening and people keep dying. I like it because it's not about lying down flattened by

Also a non-form physical letter. Anything that shows your engagement is not limited to a willingness to point and click—it's why no one cares that you signed an internet petition.

It's Okay When Republicans Do It.

Yup. Republicans turned out their 60 million like they have the last four elections. Dems needed Obama turnout and got Kerry turnout.

I think it was Van Jones who pointed out that if you are using certain terms (I'll throw out 'microaggressions') you have thought about these issues for a hundred more hours than the people you are trying to convince. You're just not on close enough pages to change their minds. Moving closer to their page is an

If you trade your vote for the 10% compromise they give you, they will blame the ensuing damages on whatever minor compromises they made with you… hold them accountable for their actions and the consequences.

It seems weird that they are super secret, the restaurant doesn't even have the leader's name right, but the line cook in the back figured out who they are.

She was having the affair with the first person from the lunch to show up at a hospital with bleeding eyes, a CEO of something.

I dunno, I'm not sure a W White House with two dozen Dick Cheneys battling each other would have been the same.

I agree. The Republican base showed up, if grudgingly. So did the D base. The D occasional voters stayed home.