Cinnamon Owl

It's entirely possible they eat hamburgers together a few times a week and discuss good twitter insults.

It's not like the snake could eat Joan. So it's not going to waste it's venom on her as food; she just has to convince it that she's not a threat. Hold very still! While Sherlock googles.

I liked Fiona on a personal level, but her ongoing presence felt off—what is her role here? wasn't answered in a way that felt organic to the story.

Going back and forth. I was really pleased that we landed on art heist even if we started with murder to get there, having been so disappointed with various episodes that started with a promising heist and devolved into a standard murder.

I like this version more than the one where Sherlock—based on his one successful romantic relationship with a sociopathic serial killer trying to drive him to drug-addict ruin so he won't foil her long-term plans for world criminal domination—explains that Joan is just obviously the sort of person who would have an

Aw, I miss the days of tiny adorable hats.

Talking to my daughter, who is 20, about the election. That she is so thoughtful and concerned in her reasoning is making the screen blurry right now.

There was a more innocent time, not too long ago, when if a candidate for higher office claimed that his economic plan was guaranteed to create 4% annual growth and 25 million jobs, he'd be laughed right out the door.

This would be an improvement on where we are now, yes.

Let the press finally realize that if my saying "Priebus is a purple giraffe" doesn't obligate them to always say "Priebus, the purple giraffe…" then Trump's people saying "a blind trust, run by his children" doesn't obligate them to parrot that line. Because that's the opposite of a blind trust.

It's very in line with the campaign, where Bannon also had an ill-defined job with a new title. From the fact that Kellyann spent a lot of time doing interviews and being a spokesperson/surrogate—something the person running the campaign usually doesn't have time to do—I surmise that 'running the executive stuff' was

I disagree. I don't think he ran against the only 16 Republicans he could have beaten, but that as insane as "I have no coherent policies, but I am angry and I have hats" seemed to elites it was really resonating with a big chunk of voters.

Or if both parties had made the 'tradition' of releasing 10 years of taxes into a hard requirement when filing to run on their ticket.

Republicans hit their steady-for-four-elections-now just-over 60 million votes. So disenchanted moderate Rs willing to not vote Trump were offset by enthusiastic rural rare-voters who did.

One thing proved by Trump's win on the right, and Bernie's unlikely strong run on the left, is that no one is "condescendingly" telling you how to vote. If you want different candidates, you can vote for them. If you can't even win a primary with your preferred candidate, pouting about how the person acceptable to

I'm coming around to the theory that once the overtly fascist Donald was steadily polling at 40%+, rather than 10%, people should have recognized that people would vote for him. Not people they knew personally, but their votes would still count.

But… the alt right loves Jewish socialists.

I'd support "the party turns toward Bernie and Warren" more as a strategy if Bernie were in the party. Immediately quitting is not the way to keep yourself at the table.

I really like Ellison's call for less focus on fundraising and more on grassroots engagement, which would go with my theory that the Dems really need more people in their coalition who just turn up because it's the Tuesday after the first Monday in November. That growing a sense of civic engagement is more sustainable

He is the one I wonder about more than Bernie as an alternate universe pick. In part because he's young, and having the Dem race come down to the elderly Clinton v Sanders, with wistful glances at the as-elderly not-running Warren and Biden, was not a good sign for the party's future.