Cinnamon Owl

I think Comey can be blamed for some of that closing. Though there is a fair argument that the press was going to flip to something anti-Clinton after a couple of weeks of Trump flailing and her cruising.

It's like flag-burning, in that it immediately makes everyone lose interest in the nuanced logical argument you plan to give once everyone is looking at you, so you wander around whining about how you're being all intense and stuff and no one is listening. Except that the nation is the flag.

With one vote per state, and so Wyoming gets just as many votes as CA? Yes. It heavily tilts the power to the states with very few people, which also happen to be heavily red.

One rational suggestion was to increase the number of House members, with "1 Wyoming = 1 Rep" the population threshold and everyone else adjusts their delegation up from there.

That gets into some complicated stuff with odd vs even numbers of electoral votes—1 vote tips things in the odd state but you need to really ramp it up to get one more elector in the even state.

2 weeks ago: "I can't take away a grown man's twitter account."

There is a persistent misguided belief that he goes in and tinkers based on his personal polls of closest friends or yard sign observations, and if he would just instead make those adjustments on the complainer's poll of their friends it would be more accurate.

I think it was on here that someone noted that there are as many young voters as baby boomers. That politicians care more about appeasing one of those groups has everything to do with turnout rates.

That's a push 'poll'. The purpose is to discourage voting in a close state, not to provide an accurate measurement of anything.

This is true. Because some states get polled very little (like, in a normal year no one is polling Utah), so in an attempt to get more data they look at things like "if you're moving up in Michigan, you're probably also moving up in Ohio."

One of my great sadnesses about this election was that Hillary's post-convention speech on the alt-right was met with a resounding "well that would be uncomfortable to discuss."

He did not pretend those pieces were based on numbers, polling, or statistical models. They were based on the historical rule that polls taken way before any primary votes are cast have been poor predictors of final results, with things like name recognition and party support weighted more heavily. His model was very

It's not the language that makes it hateful, it's the fucking message!

So I'm not the only one who regularly gazes at DD1 in utter mystification, then readily gets the next 3. Right?

Bemused at the "you'll never guess who they find" tag, unless El Scorpion 2 is really Kurian's head. ("That's why I can't show you the tattoo—I'm now just a head.")

McMullin! Who actually does have a nonzero chance of coming out of this president.

Eleanor for motivational speeches, Tahani for logistics.

"Have you ever ordered Hawaiian pizza?"

I think for me it missed the impossible/unlikely divide. (Where people will believe the first in fiction but pull up short at the second.)