Cinnamon Owl

I liked Doc, Addy, the idea of stealing a presidential limo, and the pom pom women's practiced take down of the Z-Partier. Also having some survivors at the end, which I thought was a problem with the no-consequences opener—you get this far in the apocalypse, you have some competence. Perplexed by the guys with

Err. I didn't like this episode—too close to the election to land as satire, too many direct quotes that are already ridiculous for it to feel like it amped up anything. But I didn't think it endorsed any specific politician.

I thought that jab hit a lot harder and funnier than the political stuff. Slightly undercut by El Scorpion doing the exact same thing at the end of last season—disappear under a wave of zombies, then pop up. (Which worked as ridiculousness because he wasn't a Beloved Character—no one had wept at his untimely death

I think Tahani has always followed the rules (and tried to figure out the rules) in the hope that she would be loved. She arrives in TGP and learns that she did it! She figured out the rules and followed them and now she's in heaven and she has a soulmate!

I see Tahani more as the avenging angel no one in this metaphysical realm will know how to deal with.

The Kidnapping of Red Chief! I can absolutely see Trevor being driven over the edge by "Jason Mendoza's" serene acceptance of everything hell can throw at him.

I really don't think any other Democrat would be getting "Well we respect the nominee and will be happy to work with them as president." It's weird that people wring their hands over 'if only it weren't Clinton it would be a respectful love-fest!'

That is the exact argument made by some folk on the left when a Trump campaign office was firebombed.

"Dang, if we'd known about Trump we would have recruited people for House races" is just so discouraging. (Along with the D base not liking to vote in midterms and local elections.)

My favorite part is the second-person on-stage lectures to himself. "Don't get distracted, Trump. Stay focused, Trump.'

Last night's The Good Place was really good! And positive and spoke to the best in people and our capacity for change and explained the jalapeno popper.

The FBI is doing a lot to non-partisanly destroy one's faith in the institutions that underlie our democracy this week.

Mine was great, except for no longer being able to find my precinct because it's no longer "the one at the table on the left." I live on a long street, so it took a few tries to get the correct table for my house number.

Supposedly the Clinton camp has been doing the more difficult and costly 'get your tentative voters to the polls early' strategy. Will be interesting to see how that plays out.

I take comfort in the number of people who are going to change their vote because there was a sheet on a highway overpass.

Someone had a good point about how much they do for their third party the 1460 days between elections. If you're trying to elect Greens to a dozen local offices, that's different from casting your rebel vote one day and then saying "Don't blame me, I didn't vote for a single person who's ever actually gotten elected

As a parent, I can't believe "We will stomp our feet and hold our breath until you give us a Republican president to pick Supreme Court justices" is not getting Republicans run straight out of Congress.

… Have you checked out a show called The Good Place?

One I can no longer get: Tuscan white beans and herbs, sprinkled with arugula in a light vinaigrette when it comes out of the oven.

• Are the sliding short stairs an actual nordic architecture thing?