Cinnamon Owl

That's what's secretly going on in all the relationships we don't see. Their only consolation is being surrounded by nicer architecture.

Trevor is exactly the sort of douche to make up rules and declare them unchangeable aspects of the universe.

Agreed. Four episodes isn't all that long—it's not like a break and then you get another half of the season, so rebuilding audience for the brief return might be hard.

Janet, Janet, and Jason.

I think it's an interesting examination of how most people accept The System so long as they're winning. And don't question it, and explain it's the way things naturally have to be.

I'm hoping for a heavenly revolt against the system, led by an angry Tahani.

Jason's Florida Man headline was so powerful it broke the system.

Disclaimer: I am generally an anti-shipper, wishing people would stop gazing at each other forlornly and go do plot things.

Tahani storms The Bad Place to rescue Jianyu?

It will be an interesting variation on my theory that soul mates are more like the roommate you're assigned at college.

Have we ever seen anyone be glad to see him?

I'd rather Eleanor (Fake Eleanor) discover real friendship than eternal romance.

What if Jason's idea of hell is quietly meditating in a room while eating plain rice and not talking, and so Jianyu hasn't noticed he's in the Bad Place yet?

That's why it's on hiatus until January.

What if The Good Place actually gets about 83% right about what happens after death?

Every time Trevor tells her to smile more, I attempt to reach through the screen and strangle him.

As someone driven mad by 'will they brush elbows? or not brush elbows?' I am excited by any show willing to burn through plot. A good sign that the story has somewhere to go.

I'll recommend Dark Matter, which now has two seasons up on Netflix. Six people wake up on a space ship with no memory of who they are or why they're there. (Though their baseline skills and intelligence are intact.) It's a nice mix of questions about identity with whiz-bang action and a willingness to charge through

I don't know the title, but one that stuck with me had a wealthy business executive go back in time so that he could become super rich using his advanced knowledge of future technology like the internal combustion engine. Turned out that knowing it existed wasn't enough to prod engineers through inventing it for him.

How is "the Dems are coming to take your guns" still playing after 8 years of Obama and 8 years of Bill NOT taking their guns?