Cinnamon Owl

The civilian consultant's expertise is being Satan. I don't think any aspect of the police stuff is going to hold up if you squint at it.

It's a truism that if you quiz everyone at back to school night (so middle-aged people), almost no one is doing what they pictured as their career back at 18 or 20.

My brother-in-law, who is very smart and has great people skills, has concluded after years in business that if you have the option of standing in the line for brains or the line for the ability to just get along with people, the latter will get you a lot farther.

(Swooning, because Zion is incredibly gorgeous. That trip was when I realized I could live in Utah if it was here.)

My husband went to a "tell us about your life in the real world post-PhD" thing at his old school, and a huge theme from both faculty and returning students was Writing Clearly as a vital skill for just about any job that even tangentially used your PhD.

The second thing Cookie said. Common scenario seems to be "I begged you to cheat on me, and am now stunned and hurt and betrayed that you did so."

I think it's like Trump accusing his opponent of every fault he knows himself to have in spades. For guys not into the concept, they watch a ton of porn in that genre.

I'll just go with Dan: He gets a lot more letters than myself, so if he says kink is way more common among men I believe him.

Not the first time I've seen a letter from someone annoyed that Mr "I want you to cheat on me" is pissed that she isn't performing all the details of cheating on him exactly to his fantasy specifications.

This. I think having a 99% certainty of any election outcome (that's not steadily in Ryan-primary 80-20 polling numbers) is wack. Maybe even wack on election day; certainly nuts weeks out.

Late 2008 I thought the Republicans were going to be relieved to spend the next year excising the crazy arm of the party—the people going to Palin rallies to wave their monkey dolls with their "it's called the WHITE house for a reason" buttons. Instead they tripled down on trying to cling to that crazy. I remember one

One of my pet peeves of this election had been "Trump isn't dangerous because he's so obviously crazy he'll lose by 50 points, the really dangerous one is (insert standard issue Republican) because people don't realize he's just as dangerous."

Also, he went as himself for Hallowe'en. (In a rubber Romney mask.) That bespeaks a certain self-deprecating humor.

It's why I don't understand why Trump keeps attacking sleep. Most of the country, especially in the high-voting demographics age-wise, are big fans.

Can you imagine someone trying to sell this plotline to a Hollywood studio as a farce? They would be laughed out of the office for being so over the top and sledge-hammery.

I take comfort in the fact that he made enraged tweets about marching on Washington last election, but did not actually get up and leave his penthouse. There may be some pockets of people saying "wait I thought you really meant it about the pitchforks?" but most of them will content themselves with typing really hard

Back in August Reason asked a number of conservative legal scholars about justifying a Trump vote based on Supreme Court nominees, and one of them cited Erdogan:

Given that his white nationalism is the main reason Utah conservatives won't vote for Trump, this is some creative campaigning.

Theory: Realizing that this was going to happen, the polling firm used their last report to say that the swing states were locked up and PA, NM, and ME within the margin.

This seems incredibly gullible of them. They have no control over him now, when all he has is a twitter account. (Not counting the time he read an index card endorsing Paul Ryan as, reportedly, a carbon-based organism.)