Cinnamon Owl

I smiled all the way through that. (TPIR was my childhood home-sick jam, and I cannot explain why guessing the prices of things is so compelling.)

I was wondering what he was doing with it and the ziploc, and figured a sample for Zona of a hybrid brain? Any other ideas?

It's like the hundred thousand invisible busses holding a millions invisible homeless people who don brilliant disguises to vote multiple times, all completely undetected, which proves that the government has perfected a secret invisibility ray.

I agree on Sherlock v Elementary. Sherlock bounces along at the surface on great banter, but the astonishing twists don't make a lick of sense. And the explanations of Sherlock's jaw-dropping insights are actually dumb.

I'm interested in Nate's fourth scenario, in which early next week some heavy oppo research drops on Trump. I could believe that the Clinton campaign, notoriously careful and thorough, would have this but hold it in reserve while they had a comfortable lead—releasing it doesn't have much impact on an already-flailing

My recollection from 2012 is that the handful of people actually caught committing in-person voter fraud were Republicans who believed all that stuff they were told about it being easy to do.

Weirdly (if you believe that God is guiding the course of the election so as to destroy the entire Republican party, for example) it does undercut the narratives "She has this, you don't need to vote" and "Vote for a Republican down ballot to balance Clinton's guaranteed win at the top."

Had McMullin gotten in a month earlier and so been on most state ballots as a possible protest vote, I believe that his rise in Utah could have put him into play as a spoiler in a number of states. The more Johnson talks, the less he looks like a viable conservative protest vote.

I think the timing is legit (Weiner is a black swan) and there's a case for Comey's needing to say something to Congress so that his earlier testimony is complete. I don't envy him this week.

It is usually scary to listen to undecided voters at this point. ("I just can't tell which one I want to have a beer with." "The media isn't reporting on their positions on the issues, and how else could I possibly find out what those are? I am typing this complaint on the internet." "I have problems with one

He's still claiming that in Colorado they are going to throw out all the mail-in ballots they don't like.

This felt like the classic show hitting on all cylinders. Even without a new Way Things Can Go Wrong Today beyond the off-screen spider zombies, the addition of Kya rapping the apocalypse was delightfully surreal. I really hope she, Uncle, and Nana survive the season. Also the Fear Bus.

Jianyu has super powers.

A major virtue of sci fi and fantasy is that they can work on the level of parable.

I don't think it's Murphy's conscience, but his ego that's eating at him. Mind-controlled drones who laugh too long isn't necessarily flattering to one's self image.

You can flag them (hover over the upper left) and they will eventually vanish. Lots of people flagging one post is how it pings on an admin.

We're getting cacti.

Tahani is someone who could really use the chance to grow and develop in the afterlife. Chidi too, for that matter.

Theory 1: Coincidence, and that's how the mix-up occurred—usually two people with an unusual name don't die at the same time.
Theory 2: A Terminator-esque plot in which someone is murdering all the Eleanor Shellstrops in hopes they eventually wipe out the right one.

It really isn't. Things can be 'not as bad as murder' and yet still 'bad.' Which is a lot of the humor in the various point lists, which mix 'prevented genocide' with 'scratched your elbow' as positive scorers, and weight a child's love of tricycles heavily in how many points you get for fixing them.