Cinnamon Owl

If the real Jianyu is still vow-of-silencing, it could be that Trevor hasn't noticed he doesn't fit in. Maybe in The Bad Place his silence comes off as being far too hip and ironically detached to bother commenting on anything. The same way Jason's silence comes off as deep thought.

*is sent to bad place*

Yeah. You have to take your socks off at home, before you even arrive at the airport.

Maybe when Kamala shows up? She is the person most likely to be Banksy.

For millennia, humans have been creating gods who are exactly like very large humans, with all their petty jealousies and inconsistencies but more power to act on those. The Good Place's supreme being is one who hates pineapple on pizza and the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

There could be a very funny episode along the lines of Person of Interest's "Relevance," in which we got to see a typical episode unfold from the number's point of view, with the regulars playing bit parts.

How is it that the libertarian ticket is in the order it's in? Because Weld is a pretty darn sane former Republican. (Who has told people to vote for Hillary. Because Trump is insane and you don't do that to the country.)

"I'm going down. I should set my campaign on fire."

I swear this entire campaign would never fly if it had been a satiric movie. "Too over the top" people would say.

It did seem like Jason might never notice that he was in The Bad Place.

Ursula K. Le Guin has a famous short story, The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas.

Ooooooooh. The mathemagician! If this show turns into an updated The Phantom Tollbooth, Eleanor and Chidi driving through the many neighborhoods of heaven and hell in a tiny car, I would not complain.

Never forget the nose booping.

I now need this cross-over.

If I could have reached in the set and smacked him when he told her to smile, I would have.

I've been assuming that the easy acceptance of everything being handed to them (Why didn't the entire super good neighborhood volunteer to put off flying so they could clean up garbage?) is a deliberate plot/character point.

"I read that once. On my boy Peanut's tricep."

I really thought they were going to go with Eleanor's casual selfishness causing the dry cleaner to ultimately find love and success while horribly punishing her roommate. Like the idea that Chidi gets partial credit every time one of his moral philosophy students does a good deed.

I watch online, so view all shows as "dropping," i.e. becoming available for me to watch when I have time.

Lots of stuff can happen between now and then. I mean, Trump happened, and that was pretty inconceivable.