Cinnamon Owl

Apparently dating now involves texting, so my husband and I have agreed to just not die on each other rather than try to figure that out.

The Legend of Korra was really good at portraying long-married couples (Tenzin and Pema, Suyin and Baatar) and the sort of well-practiced partnership that can evolve into. You know what each of you are good at, you know how to work together.

But how viable is covering the entire government in gold paint?

Let's go Armageddon!

Knowing that a new Good Place episode is about to drop improves the next 24 hours.

Aha! Thank you. I do not use the twitter myself, being an old.

If you believe in divine intervention as the force behind Trump, then the only fair conclusion is that God is very, very mad at the GOP.

I'm so sorry you're going through this.

That's what I was going to say—really intense emotion can switch around.

There have been actual polls of college students.
Percent of your fellow students you think had sex last weekend: 90
Percent of your fellow students who say they actually had sex last weekend: 10

And has never had a lot of sympathy for the guy who's annoyed that his wife is tired from all the care of tiny children.

I'm incredibly frustrated by the concept "it's not nonconsensual; there was implicit consent." I want the people claiming that to be hit upside the head, then admit that if the other person thought they wanted to be smacked around then they gave their implicit permission.

… and the Cubs are in the World Series. It's the end times.

Donald: *aims shotgun at both feet at once*
Hillary: *steps out of the way*

It's hopeless. Two examples that are getting auto-hurled:

For the sake of the Republican party—or for having a sane Other Party named something or other—he needs to bring them to their knees so the mealy-mouthed 'embracing Breitbart wasn't that bad, really' can't fly.

Gotv on election day is probably a lot of it. In Nevada, the Clinton campaign tracks who early voted, and they keep calling you if you haven't.

So that online fundraising….

I think for most of us the name just calls to mind the lyric "Got run over by a crappy purple Scion."

TrumpTV is no "Charlie bit my finger."