Cinnamon Owl

My husband's grandfather worked on the Manhattan Project. No one in the family has admitted to hiding aliens yet.

That and Scott Baio, Trump surrogate on all policy topics because why not?

I think this is likely, because starting a TV network is wildly expensive.

We know no major candy companies are going to advertise with him.

I like that there are people whose job it is to make elaborate graphs indicating that there is a hidden g yearning to get out at the end of words.

This goes for Area 62, too. There is no way a massive bureaucracy keeps all those secrets.

*waves fist in the air* You know what's a good explanation for the final flash-something segments? That this is the alternate universe split off when they set off the bomb, and these people are drawn together because (merrily hand waves timey wimey threads of fate stuff) and this is how their lives played out without

There were clues in one of the albums if you played it backward. Daed si laup.

Because only a blue-blooded aristocrat could possibly have produced nice poetry!!!!

I remember in 2008, the Obama campaign was annoyed about yard signs because it was the least possible effort or return. "Sign up to help and dial some swing states" was what they wanted.

But it was really hard to model turnout, since in 2012 it wasn't competitive, and in 2008 it also wasn't competitive for different reasons—Obama and NC lawyer dude weren't even on the ballot and votes wouldn't count and there was an action-packed Republican primary slugging it out.

All I could think was "they're going nude in October in New England?"

I feel really sorry for Jeb! who would say the most milquetoast iffy-if-you-squint-out-of-context thing and be berated for a week, while Trump could talk about killing people on the streets of Manhattan and it was cool.

I liked 2012, when he was going to impose the imperial presidency for life if he won. The reason he didn't do this when he won in 2008 was that he is incredibly sneaky.

Lower stakes mean there are more possible directions for things to go, and thus can make a story far more engaging.

Given how this year has gone, I don't think we can rule that condition out.

Any organization depends on having some people with deep knowledge, who know how everything actually gets done. Government included. People with experience in government are going to be better at actually moving those levers.

His fundraising bit this week was masterful. Off of Ryan's warning that if Dems take the Senate Sanders could chair the budget committee.

My new theory is that it was Bannon. Trump has been GREAT for Breitbart news traffic—the crazier he gets, the more often people rush there to assure themselves that he is secretly winning.