Cinnamon Owl

Which should disband in shame if "Hey why don't you run as an unhinged fascist demagogue, you'll sweep the primary" was all it took.

Vox had a piece from someone who used to work for Assange but quit rather than sign a very tight nondisclosure agreement. (It gets seriously weird, with Assange waking him before dawn by bonking him repeatedly with a stuffed giraffe and then arguing with him while he wonders when the man will let him find some

I'm pretty sure if I wait a few months, I will find out what she's going to do exactly. Likely it will be that policy stuff she's always happily wonking about.

I absolutely predict that the base will conclude "we weren't crazy enough."

The problem with Generic Democrat and Generic Republican as candidates is that real people always fail to be as ideal as abstract people. It's part of why polls for Little Known D/R Candidate versus Someone Who's Been Attacked For Years don't mean much.

And Trump, for going to war with the popular governor of Ohio, the head of the Ohio GOP gotv, and seemingly his own gotv guy who "stepped back" from his position 3 weeks before the election.

"Is Hillary smiling right?" Story at 11.

PPP polled Obama v Trump in several swing states. On average he did 2 pts better than Clinton. Rather than the 50 pt lead we're assured Any Other Democrat would have over Trump.

I live in suburban MA, and local-issue signs are winning by an exponential amount. Clinton-Kaine signs just started to appear; I have seen one Trump sign (a banner slung high in the trees so it would be visible from a nearby busy road) but haven't been along that road in a while to check if it's still there.

The Hallowe'en mask thing actually is a traditionally good predictor. But bear in mind that this year scary clown costumes are off the shelves in a lot of places, so people have to adapt.

New poll meme from the alt-right: The polls are cucked and cooked.

Mine is John Boehner driving his RV across the asphalt prairie, joyously reflecting that these are now Paul Ryan's monkeys.

I'm enthusiastic: I mildly like Clinton and I loathe Trump. I want to take him down by the largest margin possible, preferably with a Paul-Ryan-weeps-as-Bernie-Sanders-becomes-chair-of-budget-committee Senate.

Maybe Negan swings his bat, but before it can make contact he'll be squashed by a giant rolling wheel of cheese.

I watched it from the beginning recently, and it was so good! Whole family loved it.

The actor made it a condition that he not. He'd play a nazi, but not a nazi who ever looked good.

One thing I'll be interested to see in final results: People keep talking about 'enthusiasm' and how only Trump has it, per conventional wisdom. Yet in polls, Clinton's voters are more enthusiastic. I think people are conflating 'enthusiasm' with 'screaminess', when 'solidly committed to vote' is closer. And far more

I wouldn't trust Trump to actually pay up.

For the 2000s, his business has been licensing his name to stick on things. Why this is the key to economic success for the nation as a whole is something his people have trouble explaining.

Can blue Texans make something of Russia's complaints that they can't send poll watchers to Texas? Because that is seriously weird, and seems like a perfect "Vlad really, really doesn't understand Americans" opening.