Cinnamon Owl

And the comment came when she was talking about his not paying taxes. Which he brags about. How is that being nasty, genteel southern gentleman? Oh, she was speaking aloud when a man wanted to speak?

He's claiming it will be a $100 million investment, which he's nowhere near.

He has explicitly stated that he's fine with voter fraud if it helps him. Which may lead to some amusing election day stories.

The newsroom at the the Times gave a standing ovation to their lawyer.

By the afternoon Trump was back to leading chants about Mexico paying upfront. So the policy didn't make it 100 hours. Possibly not 100 minutes.

I would assume that Warren et al were fleeing some threat, or abducted by The Man, or otherwise sidetracked while Doc was taking his dump. Not that they just wandered off peacefully and didn't see him. Presumably next week we cover "what have Warren and Addy been fleeing while Doc was in a straightjacket?"

I also liked that most of them lived. (With Winona stealing a bus stocked with a bunch of mental patients certainly within her established character.) Our crew doesn't have to always save the day, but the corollary to 'any main character might die' needs to be 'any stray passerby might live.' If we expect every guest

Russia is formally complaining about not being able to observe polling places in Texas. If anything was going to push anti-Trump turnout amidst the usually-Republican-voting segment, that might do it.

This week's Weird Development of a Friday Night: Russia is pissy that we (Louisiana, Texas, and Oklahoma, specifically) won't let Russian election observers observe the election. With strong hints that Texas and Oklahoma must be hiding something to be so secretive.

I don't know, the button pushing immediately reminded me of this:
which perfectly describes my husband and brother-in-law. Both of whom have PhDs in the hard sciences, and reacted to almost dropping a fire on top of the neighbor's house with 'that shouldn't have happened; we need to run the

I'm not sure there's any sign they will nominate a sensible centrist, though—the base's conclusion is always that they should have been crazier, then they wouldn't have lost.

He has come out against sleep several times. It's what Hillary must be doing whenever not in his line of sight, and a pathetic weakness. Tweeting at 3 AM proves he's awake at 3 AM, an important quality in a president.


I liked "Part of the vast conspiracy to deny Donald Trump the presidency."

I realize that one feature of modern times is "Politician does something Bad or Dumb —> partisans take to the internet with their lockstep talking points about how they didn't mean what they say."

Another vote for The Good Place. Laugh-out-loud funny, over the scattering of interesting philosophical questions as to what's going on beneath the bright pastel neighborhood and beyond its borders.

They were in Sydney, Australia. (Per the sign on the hospital, which matches the boots bro's accent.)

"Janet is me!"

He was born in Nigeria and raised in Senegal and worked in academia, so being bilingual wouldn't be surprising.

I interpreted that rule as people speak/hear the language that is most comfortable for them.