Cinnamon Owl

It would immediately bring out complaints that it wasn't a correct Senegalese-French accent.

I like that they promptly killed the "never dated/had sex" simplest interpretations. A deep and abiding human connection is a more interesting path.

That vastness of possibility and uncertainty about what the rules are I find very compelling. With the constant terror for any curious characters that if you ask too many questions about how it works, you might wind up in The Bad Place being eaten by the bear with two mouths. Or with your soul burning on a trillion

If we're going to have soul mates at all, it would make sense that they were on Earth around the same time. But due to Earth's shortcomings, were not guaranteed to meet. Soul mates being around the same level of morality also makes sense.

I'm kind of hoping we get to see everyone's death. Either in a montage, or maybe doled out in flashbacks over S2.

I wondered about that back in the flying episode: shouldn't all these super good people want to help clean up garbage for the common good, rather than leave it for other people while they have fun?

PPP tried polling Trump-Obama in swing states. Obama ran as well as her in some, five points ahead at best, on average about 2 points better. So with the popular incumbent president renowned for his speaking and debate prowess, it would be D+7 rather than D+5.

Sure, a minor theme of the debate was that handed a chance to be smart (e.g. "How did we start from immigration and land on Putin?:) Trump would turn it into a way to look foolish ("But while we're on Putin, he's awesome and I don't know him and all the intelligence reports about him are wrong.")

I think there are a lot of executive reasons to limit the presidential candidates to people with experience in elective office. (Just as the choices for major league football coaches are limited to people who have some experience in football, rather than watching a few games and concluding that it looks easy if you

People worry about Trump based on things he actually says out loud that he will do. Like how defaulting on US bonds would be a win-win for him, or how he doesn't believe what US intelligence tells him if it conflicts with what he likes believing, or how we have to change the libel laws so people can't criticize him.

Let's follow this conspiracy out:

WaPo had some Trump tweets from the last election (which in Trump's mind involved Obama losing the popular vote by several points) wherein he was calling for marching on Washington and revolution. But not actually doing so. I suspect that will be the model most people follow.

You realize that "wear a T-shirt" is not considered an incitement to violence in any (US) legal code? The fact that that's all it takes to set off a Trump rally punchdown is like some distilled version of Trump's being jaw-droppingly easy to troll.

The Grouchy Ladybug! By Eric Carle.

It was noted that he also did a lot of staring off seriously into the middle distance, rather than make sarcastic faces.

And why hasn't Susan Hutchinson, first lady of Arkansas, closed the holes in the federal tax code?

I thought that was fine, as he was giving her the opportunity to take the wacky right wing version with no context and correct it. And then she did an epic job at flipping that to "and Trump doesn't believe 17 US intelligence agencies, because while they agree with each other they don't agree with his preconceived

I suspect this is one of those vast male-female divides unsuspected by Trump and his male fans, because that stuff has always been safely hypothetical. Lady stuff. If you have been pregnant, this is something you weigh, something you worry about at each prenatal appointment, and you may know someone who has openly

I did see a bit of a trend of people who were considering third party, since they live in a safe state, deciding that we needed to landslide this fascist.

Surely this is the first time in our history that a major candidate has claimed from the debate stage that he doesn't believe his US Intelligence briefings, because they conflict with what he already believes?