Cinnamon Owl

Andres and Zacharias are certainly being proven right.

And cats. Cats are involved.

PEC has the exact number somewhere, but I think it's something like needing the popular house vote on a generic ballot to go +9 or +10 D to get an even split in the House. (Some of it gerrymandering, some people moving where people like them already are.)

Possible, yes. I would put the Senate close and the House as a doable long-shot.

"An October Advent calendar" as one reporter put it.

The one nice thing Trump did for liberals in this election was to pivot like a ballerina on immigration the very day Coulter's book about how he would never do that came out.

I think that's why so many outside pundits looked at Rubio as the likely nominee. Young, Latino, initially pro-immigration-reform, the face of the post-2012-autopsy party. "No way" said the base. "You'll get a short-fingered orange vulgarian, or we'll write in Ted Cruz."

Obama gave a good speech on 'family values' politicians who are trying to put Trump in power. (Also interesting that Liberty University students are trying to distance themselves from Falwell Junior's embrace of Trump.)

Michelle, quoted by Hillary: "They go low, we go high." It really is the best response to this. Getting down in the mud to wrestle with the pig is never the right move.

She seems to be moving now to tie the whole Republican party—specifically, all Republicans running for national office—to Trump. I think this is about the right timing.

My millennial daughter pointed me at that. Still seems the best and most prescient news analysis of the Access Hollywood tape.

Is she the one who quoted Beyonce? Going to dinner with your husband post-marital-nookie is like sexual assault?

Back when Alicia Machado was his greatest problem he gave an interview in which he swore that 'she' thought she could be nasty (not sure if 'she' was Clinton or Machado) but Trump could be far, far nastier. And he was going to get down there in the sewer and prove it.

Do you know who owns part of the NYTimes? A Mexican!!! (Carlos Slim. Who is… dun. Dun! DUN!!!! far richer than Trump.) So he's going after Solo, he's going after Paul Ryan's Jewish staffer, Trump will get to the bottom of this…

Just to agree with Tippi—a late spring issue as people were reluctant to donate just to pay off his loans to himself, a promise to sign the paper, no signing at the first deadline because his word was enough…. and absolutely nothing after that. I absolutely believe he will discover November 9th that his fans want him

538 did a piece on the chances he wins the presidency. Which are not large, but are now way ahead of Johnson and Stein's.

It's going to be interesting to watch him try to take down Clinton, Ryan, and an international Jewish cabal of media interests to be named later. (And sadly some private citizens, though his current statements on that are almost word-for-word what he said about his birther team in Hawaii.)

Sincerely, one of my favorite moments of this entire campaign was when the entire nation paused to say "Taco truck? I want a taco truck on the nearest corner."

They also uncovered a secret gun control plan that has been publicly available on her campaign website for months.

It really is a perfect illustration that the people with the emails are not in the US, or even that familiar with our internal details. No red-blooded American sees "sex scandal in which angry orange person screams at everyone around him and tries to take down the Speaker of the House of his own party while denying